Chapter 3 - Intensive Training

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I found Soldier 76 waiting outside with a very angry looking Reyes. He glared at me before beckoning to Genji who followed him. I glanced nervously at him before turning to Soldier 76.

"You did well today Hyacinth." He turned and started walking.

"Thank you sir." I ducked my head with pleasure.

"Where did you learn those moves?" Soldier 76 looked at me curiously.

"Um... well..." I swallowed. "My er... father wanted to teach me self-defense, so he signed me up for lessons from an expert since I was little. I'd forgotten most of it. I was mainly using moves that you taught me."

"You're going to need extra training. From now on I'll be giving your training with Mei, showing how you can protect your teammates and Genji for hand-to-hand combat. Mercy will be overlooking your training as well as Ana who will do so less frequently as she is more busy. Are you happy with that?"

"Yes sir! Thank you sir!" I nodded.

"You are dismissed. Meet at training room #637 tomorrow morning after breakfast. 8:15AM sharp." He commanded before walking away.

I skipped down the hallway, a smile on my face which faded after I heard a slap and a groan. I crept quietly to peek around the corner. Reyes was standing there, snarling at Genji who had his head down.

"How could you embarrass me in front of Morrison like that? Now it seems I didn't train you properly!" I could see that he had cut Genji's forearm out of anger, blood was trickling from it. "Next time beat her!" Reyes turned and walked away, leaving Genji to trail back to his room (This is just how I imagine Gabriel Reyes' personality to be considering how he is like with Reaper. This does not mean that he is actually like this in-game :3)

I hurried over to Genji who looked up in surprise. "Hyacinth! What are you doing here?"

"I um... I heard him slap you and I was wondering if you got cut... oh you have." I examined the small cut. "You need to stop it from infection."

"I've suffered worse than this. I'll survive." He winced, stretching his shoulders.

I grabbed his arm, pulling him to the medical room. No one was there, everybody was eating dinner. I brought Genji to the sink, washing out his cut. I carefully bandaged it and sealed it. 

"You care too much for us." He gently teased me.

"I can't help it." I smiled before standing up.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I left the room, heading towards dinner.


I walked in to the training room, finding Mei and Genji already waiting there. "Where's Soldier 76?"

They both shrugged. "We haven't seen him since he was talking to Mercy earlier." Mei replied.

"Mercy will be joining us soon." We all jumped to see Soldier 76 in the control room looking down at us.

"Mei go against Genji. Genji will attack, Mei will have to block his shots. Show Hyacinth what she can do in the middle of a fight." He instructed as Genji and Mei walked to the centre of the room.

Genji darted towards Mei, intending to strike through her puffy jacket but Mei dodged out of the way. She generated ice at her forearms, making small shields. Genji rushed at her again and she started blocking his shurikens (I know this isn't how Mei really like plays but LET ME DREAM).

Genji jumped away and Soldier 76 halted the fight. "Well done Mei."

"You're welcome sir! Just know that I won't be able to do anything like that in a real fight!" Mei was sweating in her puffy jacket.

"Hyacinth go in and fight Genji. You'll be dueling with Mei and Genji for the rest of this morning. After lunch I'm going to pair you with different agents alright?" Soldier 76 commanded.

I nodded, stepping into the centre of the space. "Here we go again Genji." I smiled mischievously.

"You won't defeat me this time Hyacinth." He replied, readying his shurikens and beckoning with his hand.

"Fight!" Soldier 76 commanded.

This time Genji didn't leap at me immediately. He waited for me to make the first move. I waved my hand, bringing it down. The gems glowed as I disappeared, turning invisible. I ran as Genji shot in the general direction. I looked down and saw that my glowing gems were visible, betraying where I was. I cursed before running as Genji figured out my position. I leaped as I dodged his attacks. I crouched behind a box as I readied my power. Blue orbs glowed at my hands. I immediately leaped out of my hiding spot, turning visible as I shot those orbs at Genji. He turned, firing shurikens back. I swiped my arms, creating thin energy shields at my forearms and blocking them. I created straight blades made of the strange energy the gems generated. I started slicing for him. He dodged and blocked. We were kept in this systematic duel. Block, swipe, dodge. Suddenly I decided  I to turn the odds, somersaulting over his head and landing behind him. I turned to start running away as I became invisible but suddenly shurikens hit my back, yanking me out of invisibility. I fell to the floor, the shurikens leaving throbbing bruised on my back. I felt myself being lifted up then thrown forward. I concentrated, teleporting away, leaving a very confused Genji looking around for me.

I looked around as I reached my spot. I couldn't see Genji. Where was h- I suddenly got thrown back. I was on my knees, struggling to get up. I felt someone grab my arm. I struggled, I tried to wriggle out of the hold as much as I could when suddenly I felt a cold blade touch my skin. I froze, sure that I would be injured terribly.

"Enough. Hyacinth has been beaten."

Genji let me go gently. "That was quite a good fight you put up there."

"You were pretty good too!" I winced as I straightened up.

"Does your back hurt a lot?" He asked.

"You throw hard." I grimaced as the bruises started to slowly heal.

"You'll experience much worse on the battlefield." Genji laughed before walking off.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you have been liking this fanfic so far if you have any suggestions or improvements you can comment them below so I may improve this story, therefore, making it better. Bye!


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