Chapter 17 - Final Battle

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I concentrated, my gems glowing as I teleported to Mercy. ”Hush!" I shushed her before teleporting up to the second floor.

"I need you to check on Zinnia! She's in shock." I whispered to Mercy.

She nodded as Zinnia protested quietly. "I can take care of myself! I was a top st-"

"Before you killed your own girlfriend." Mercy interrupted dryly.

There was an awkward silence as we all stared at them in shock. I, of course knew what had happened between Zinnia and a Doctor Ziegler, I just didn't think it would be this Doctor Angela Ziegler whom Zinnia had disappointed. Zinnia had been taken in by a kind woman from an orphanage when she was just an infant. She applied to become a doctor and she quickly rose in the ranks under Doctor Ziegler due to natural skill and patience. Zinnia tried to heal her own girlfriend who had caught a fatal disease that had no cure, but unfortunately, the serum's side effects that was injected into her bloodstream  caused her girlfriend to lose her mind, and one fateful day, she was discovered floating in the sea, drowned. Mercy had no choice but to banish Zinnia from the company. She was so heartbroken, she decided to never try and heal anyone unless it was absolutely necessary, and had always had a fascination with plants, so she became a botanist. Word of her work with Ziegler had already travelled around the globe, causing her to be a popular candidate to turn to. Zinnia was then called into Overwatch to use her knowledge of plants to control them.

Mercy’s stern voice jolted me out of my trance as she firmly whispered, "You shouldn't have let your girlfriend die."

"I wanted to help her! I really did!" Zinnia's voice was rising, and I clamped a hand over her mouth, preventing her from speaking.

"Tracer keep these two quiet, we can't have anyone hearing us," I hissed to her before teleporting away.

I grabbed Mei and Genji before teleporting back up, "Alright, we need to save the Commander first. We'll ambush them, use the element of surprise to our advantage," I looked around to see everyone’s grave faces, some tainted with fear, some laced with determination. They all nodded quickly, and I hurried down to where I could distract them.

"Where are you going?" Genji grasped my arm, pulling me back.

"I'm going to distract them of course, there has to be someone to take away the focus," I snapped, tugging my arm repeatedly away, but to no avail.

"You'll get yourself killed out there," Genji's eyes were unreadable, his body language stoic.

"If I don't go then the Commander will die!" I retorted, finally successfully  pulling my arm from his grasp, "Attack when I signal you," I turned back to tell them, and then hurried down before anyone could grab me again.

"If no one will give me my daughter, I guess I'll just kill them!" My father threatened, digging the dreaded knife into Morrison’s throat, a few beads of blood trailing down his throat. It was time. Showtime.

"Wait!" I cried out, running and panting as if I was desperate, recreating the feeling of despair from when I was younger, "Don't! Don't kill them! I'm here. Just spare their lives!" I forced tears out of my eyes, making them stream down my face in flowing rivers.

My father smirked, "I always knew you were too weak. Unfortunately, you've come too late," He raised the knife again, the blade glinting wickedly against the lights.

"Now!" I shrieked, summoning a big orb and hurling it as hard as I could towards the enemies.

Immediately, I heard shouts as the others charged out, yelling battle cries as they attacked the enemy lines. My father yelled for the thugs to attack and show no mercy, but then he  realised that they were outnumbered, and scrambled to run back to their ship.

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