Chapter 27

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I pulled on my blue bathing suit and pulled on a white shirt over it. I walked with Zinnia (who was wearing a modest green bathing suit) down to the private pool as D.Va met Lucio in the hallway. When we got there we saw that Captain Ana was sitting, sipping a drink as she stared at her daughter who was laughing with Mercy. Hanzo, McCree, Junkrat, Winston and Lucio were all wearing different coloured Hawaiian shirts with swim shorts. The only thing different about Genji was that he had a blue sheen to him, which he said (when I later asked him) was to protect the robotic parts of him from short-circuiting. Orisa sat at the edge of the pool, looking around cheerfully as Tracer splashed around with Mei. Genji suddenly jumped and cannonballed into the pool, creating a huge wave and drenching everyone who was near it. 

I dived into the water, loving the quiet environment. As I swam underneath the surface of the water, I glimpsed Genji shooting towards me. I dodged him and started swimming away, laughing. 

We chased each other around the pool until Genji finally caught up to me and did the one thing he loved to do to me: tickle. I squealed as he started tickling my ribs, laughing. Finally I had to take a break and I pulled myself out of the water and decided to take a walk in the gardens. I made my way down to the beach, feeling the soft soil turn to sand as I neared the waves. I sat down, drinking in the sunset. As I lay there, I thought about Genji, about my feelings. Flashbacks went through my mind, how I first was sure I didn't like him, how I'd come to question my feelings. Suddenly, a thought struck me. I was immediately sure about my feeli-

BOOM! I was pulled toward the centre of the shockwave that just occured. I shook hair out of my eyes and glimpsed a large figure making his way toward me.

Not far away, I saw Ana being the first one to recognise him. Her eyes widened. "Doom-!"

He ran forward, and before I could react he picked me up and leaped into the air. Luckily I still had my jewellery with me, or else I wouldn't have survived that. The gems glowed creating a large ball of condensed water. I mixed water molecules and energy molecules together, so that when I shot it at him, it was like being hit with a very large boulder. I landed as he fell to the ground.

Captain Ana rushed forward to sleep dart him with an emergency pair but before she could move he disappeared.

"Who was that?" I asked her as the Overwatch agents gathered around us.

"Doomfist. He's broken out of prison. I'll go warn the Commander. Meanwhile, if you're not hurt, you can go and enjoy yourself by the pool." She raised her voice. "That accounts to all of you! Go and enjoy the pool."

Murmuring, we returned to the water and I was able to do something I should have done a long time ago.

After checking to make sure I was okay, Genji took a rest beside the pool with half his legs in the water when I came up behind him and pushed him into the water. He yelped as I started laughing uncontrollably. I peeked over the edge of the water when suddenly a robotic hand shot out of the water, grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. I squealed before my head was plunged into the water. We both pushed our way to the surface, our heads emerging.

"It seems like you just fell for me!" Genji joked but I simply smiled.

"I already did." I said, taking of his mask as he tried to comprehend what I was implying.

Right as understanding hit him I kissed him. Right then, right there. My first kiss. I could feel him smiling through it as he kissed me back. I heard everyone gasping as we broke apart, grinning. Zinnias smile was knowing. I crawled out of the pool and Genji and I ran off to the beach.

I immediately sprinted into the water, the waves splashing at my feet. I turned to see him following me and before he could react I'd splashed him with a handful of salt water. He immediately responded by splashing me back with an even bigger handful of salt water. I squealed and ran back to the shore, giggling.

"I'll get you!" Genji called out, but I could hear the grin in his voice. 

I was suddenly tackled to the floor, his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Laughing, I pushed Genji off and we both took a break by sitting on the hard, grainy sand. He kissed my forehead as I leaned into him, looking out at the sunset.


That was one very fluffy and kinda cheesy/cringy chapter. :) I hope you liked it though! This is the end of my story Hyacinth. Should I make a sequel? I have left it open to do another sequel ahah. What do you think?

Anyways, I hope you've liked this story, if you have any improvements or suggestions to anything in the past chapters feel free to comment them below. Have a great day byeeee!


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