Chapter 4 - Uprising

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I was about to walk back to my room when Tracer zipped to me. "Come on love! We need to come to the meeting Commander Morrison has called!"

I teleported to the center of the base where all the Overwatch agents were gathering. As I joined Commander Morrison (I'm just going to be using that name because he wasn't referred to as Soldier 76 at that time in Overwatch history) started the meeting.

"We have been informed that Null Sector, an Omnic extremist and terrorist group, has attacked Kings Row." I heard Tracer gasp beside me.

"Hundreds have died. Thousands have been injured." Second-in-command Ana Amari continued. "Now they're hunting down the last of the survivors of the attack. It is our job to stop them."

"Unfortunately, Overwatch has been expressly forbidden to go to Kings Row after I proposed the idea of a strike team to go in and take care of things.." Morrison continued. "We are telling you this to make sure you are ready to fight at any moment at any given time. This means you will have to train as hard as ever to be prepared." Commander Morrison's voice broke over the sudden murmur of whisperings. "We trust you to schedule your own training schedules. The amount of training you do might depend if you will die or not. You are dismissed."

I turned to Tracer. "Why are you so afraid?"

She turned to look at me, tears brimming at her eyes. "Because Kings Row is my home." At the word 'home' her voice broke.

"We'll train hard! If we train hard enough we will be able to stop Null Sector." Zinnia ran up to Tracer, putting an arm around her.

"Wasn't Kings Row meant to have amazing Omnic-human relations?" I asked.

"It was, but it never had the chance it seems. Null Sector has attacked my home. We must save it." Tracer straightened up, walking to the training rooms.

I glanced at Zinnia before following her.


I walked down the corridor, my footsteps echoing in the silence. It was late at night, and I'd just finished training. I was tired and all I wanted to do was to take a shower and go to bed. Suddenly I heard more footsteps far behind me. I immediately darted into a room as the footsteps neared.

"What are we going to do about this?" I heard Ana's voice through a crack in the door.

"We must send our agents to Kings Row." Commander Morrison's voice replied.

"But sir, we have been expressly forbid-"

"We must save Kings Row and take them down. We need to save Tracers home, if she loses it then we might lose a valuable asset to this corporation." Morrison interrupted Ana.

"Alright. I will inform the agents tomorrow morning." I heard Ana sigh before quickly walking away.

The Commander sighed and stood, looking after her for a moment before walking away as well.

This meant that the uprising was even more serious than they had let on, or it was getting worse by the hour.

I shook myself, yanking myself from my thoughts as I walked back to my room

"Eyes here!" I heard Gabriel Reyes shout over the noise of the eating area.

Everyone went silent as I sat down, looking to Reyes.

"The Uprising in Kings Row is getting worse. We will need to send a team of agents to take care of it. Tracer, Mercy, Reinhardt and Torbjorn will go. You will be dropped off at the subway and then you will need to fight your way through Null Sector minions. Go to Commander Morrison's office to receive a brief and details." Reyes listed out the names before turning away from us.

Tracer was already standing up and zipping to the Commander's office.

"I hope she doesn't get herself killed trying to save her homeland," I muttered as Mercy, Ana, Reyes, Reinhardt, and Torbjorn followed Tracer

"She won't be that reckless." Zinnia assured me, but I could tell she wasn't as sure as she was pretending to be.

I fell to the floor again for the fifth time in a row. "Oomf!"

"You've got to predict what your opponent is going to do and where your opponent is going to be!" Hanzo was starting to get impatient with me. "I was able to take you out with the same move for three times now!"

"Don't be too hard on her brother." Genji walked into the small training room. "After all, she is a new recruit."

"I've got to be tough on her so that she learns! What happens if the Omnics attacked this instant? Hyacinth would never be ready for the attack!" Hanzo snapped back.

"Maybe you should try teaching her differently?" Genji replied.

"Maybe he should. I've been thrown to the floor more times than I can count." I muttered, rubbing my back.

"Ah, Hanzo. You've been fighting her with that move? The one with the two punches and a roundhouse kick? That's the hardest one that you can counter. Let her try it again." He walked to the side of the room and sat there, watching me.

"Prepare to see me fail." I murmured, standing up.

"Come at me again," Hanzo instructed.

I ran at him, about to kick him down before he started to move but he was faster. He grabbed my leg, pulling it down before punching me twice and kicking me away. I coughed, one of his punches had caught me in the throat. "See what I mean?" 

"Watch me Hyacinth. Don't run to him, let him run to you." Genji whispered in my ear before going to Hanzo. "Let's duel. I would like to show Hyacinth how to counter that."

I crawled to the edge of the room to watch the two brothers fight. Genji and Hanzo circled each other, getting ready to duel. Hanzo became too impatient because Genji didn't immediately leap at him. Hanzo attacked, Genji grabbed his leg and dragged it down, making him lose his balance. Suddenly they were brawling, kicking and punching. I saw a fire in Hanzo's eyes that I didn't see before whilst we were dueling. They kept fighting. Hanzo suddenly ran to the side of the room and grabbed his bow and arrow, he started shooting them at Genji. Suddenly he summoned two blue dragons and aimed them at Genji. Genji drew his sword, bringing forth a green dragon and he brought it to the blue dragons and they curved around him, following his sword. The blue dragons returned to Hanzo as Genji sheathed his sword. 

"I would have thought you would have learned from last time brother."

"I'm sorry. I... got carried away there." Hanzo bowed before leaving the room, leaving Genji and I by ourselves.

"What happened there? Something happened to Hanzo..." I got up and walked over to Genji.

"Just a past quarrel we had before, nothing important. He might be remembering that quarrel." Genji put a hand on my shoulder. "Get some sleep Hyacinth, it's been a long day." I nodded before walking out.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I also hope you have been liking this story so far! If you have any suggestions or improvements then, as usual, comment them below so then I may know what to improve on therefore making my story better :) Bye!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I also hope you have been liking this story so far! If you have any suggestions or improvements then, as usual, comment them below so then I may know what to improve on therefore making my story better :) Bye!

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