Chapter 20 - One Day Later

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I grabbed my tray, whisking it away to a table.

"Hey! I wasn't able to talk to you before breakfast, the Captain woke us up too early. She didn't even let me have a bite! She didn’t explain anything, just that we had to get used to combat in the cold." Zinnia slid in beside me. "Anyways, how was your talk?" She shoved a bite of the baked rice she'd chosen for lunch.

I swallowed my mouthful of noodles and vegetables. "It was...." I groped for a suitable word. "One of the most awkward experiences in my li-" Genji suddenly appeared at Zinnias shoulder.

"Hey," He blatantly ignored me as he spoke to Zinnia. "Help me train later?" Genji laid a hand on her shoulder, appearing to flirt but the depths of heartbreak that dulled his eyes was too hard to miss.

"Yeah, sure." She smiled winningly at him and turning away.

"Great." His voice became devoid of life as he shuffled away.

"Wow, the talk must have been horrible if he’s acting like this," Zinnia remarked off-handedly.

"You flirted back at him!" I accused.

"What do you mean?" Her eyes crinkling in confusion.

"He flirted with you, and you took the bait and flirted back with him! Why?” I whispered to her in an accusing tone.

Zinnia frowned. "Smiling at him and acknowledging his presence does not mean I was flirting."

I paused. "Smiling does..."

"Sage," she sighed. "You have absolutely no experiences with flirting or dating or anything like that."

"I know!" I wailed quietly as sudden realization hit me.

"You’re coming with me!" Zinnia grabbed me as she shoveled the last remnants of her rice into her mouth, whilst mine laid almost untouched.
"But-" I tried to stop her but she continued to drag me to a remote storage room.

"I know you didn’t finish eating, but you can live." Zinnia said airily as she shut the door behind us.

"My food though," I grumbled.

She sighed. "Okay, spill. Clearly you’re being torn by it, and you need to let it out. Think of it as a therapy session ." She made herself as comfortable as she could with only crates to make do.

I settled down and told her what had happened. "I don't know how I feel. After I said those words, I immediately wanted to take them back..." I finished.

"That's called compassion Sage," Zinnia said gently.

"No! I-I felt something else. Whenever he was in danger my heart would always leap to my throat, as if I cared for him the same way. But I don’t! He has done nothing but care for me and what did I do? I crushed his feelings and stomped all over his heart." I wailed, burying my head into my hands.

"You'll need to figure out your feelings soon, before he’s broken beyond repair. I'm sure he still loves you, he's been wandering listlessly ever since you turned him down." Zinnia replied.

I curled up into a fetus position, a muffled groan coming from my lips.

She let out a sigh. "Don't worry, as my mother would always say, Love yourself, and your heart will learn to love others as well." Zinnia slowly stood up, sensing that I needed some time alone with my thoughts.
“ That doesn’t help!” I called out to the swinging door.
“ Genji…” I said hesitantly. “Can I talk to you? Alone?”
He stiffened as soon as he heard my voice, and slowly turned in his seat, his eyes burning with strange intensity. He remained silent, but followed me out to the balcony.
As I opened my mouth to speak he raised a hand, and bowed his head.
“Don’t. Not yet. Let me speak first.” He took deep breath, as if preparing for a strenuous activity. “Ever since our...conversation, I’ve been thinking. I know that you don’t love me the way I do for you, but...will you give me a chance? A chance to win your heart? If you don’t want to, all you have to say is no, and I’ll stop.”
His eyes were glistening with hope, as he prepared himself mentally for my answer.
I gave him one answer. “Try your best,” I said, smiling tightly.

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