Chapter 21 - First of December

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"When is the vacation again?" Zinnia leaning against the door to our room as I fixed my black boots in place.

"It's in a few months from now, in spring," I replied.

"Have they even put up the Christmas decorations yet?" She sighed.

"It's only the first of December Zinnia, they should be putting them up today." I laughed, standing up and fixing my clothes (a Christmas cat sweater over a dark blue tank top and black leggings)

"We'll probably be the ones putting them up," Zinnia groaned.

"It's not that bad! Symmetra might be the one doing most of it." I encouraged her, leading her to have breakfast.

"Woah," Was all she had to say as we walked into a fully transformed base.

The cold metal plating was covered in brown wood and there were fireplaces lit, Christmas trees set up and lights draped all around. Deep red carpets were laid over the floors, enhancing the rustic feel. There was mistletoe hanging in various places and wreaths hung at the entrances of doors. A few Overwatch members had actually dressed up for the occasion. Mei, Tracer, Torbjorn, Lucio, Zenyatta, Roadhog, Winston, Pharah, Zarya and Reyes had all changed their looks up. Pharah and Reyes were more on the frosty side, Reyes was wearing a cape that was glowing on the inside whilst Pharah's armour looked like it was made from purely frost and ice. Torbjorn was dressed up as Santa Claus as Roadhog walked around looking like Rudolph. Mei, Tracer and Lucio were all dressed up in either green or red and had Christmas hats on as Zenyatta floated around dressed as the nutcracker.

"Cheers love!" Tracer greeted us as she jingled past, the bells on her skirt ringing.

"Where'd you get the costume?" I asked, giggling at the fact that her shoes were shaped like elf shoes.

"Found it of course, how else?" She slipped away to greet her girlfriend who had come to visit.

"What are you doing on Christmas Day?" Mei asked, holding out a tray of biscuits. "Environmentally friendly biscuits," she explained as we examined them.

"Of course," Zinnia rolled her eyes jokingly.

"So what are you doing on Christmas Day?"

"That's twenty five days away!" I exclaimed. "We don't have to start thinking now." I took a biscuit.

"Yes you do, the Captain is taking in who's going to be away on Christmas Day," Mei explained.

"What happens if we stay, more training?" Zinnia asked glancing at me as I started to cough with Mei's back turned

"Amari said that we can do anything we want if we stay here on Christmas Day. Actually I think the holiday is a week long." Mei wandered off, pondering.

"I'm staying, I have nowhere to go." I shrugged, spitting out the biscuit. "That tastes horrible!"

"I guess I can visit my mother, she makes AMAZING cookies!" I could see that Zinnia was starting to get excited. "You'll be alright her by yourself right?" She took a bite of the biscuit. "This can't be that bad...." She said as she chewed, then the taste hit her. "Ack!" Zinnia spat it out just as I did.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I'll make sure to send you your present!" I waved her goodbye, laughing as she bounced off to sign her name.

"Are you going anywhere on Christmas Day?" A familiar voice sounded behind me.

"No Genji," I turned around smiling. "I'll be staying here, how about you?"

"I'll be staying here too," he shrugged.

"Who else is staying here?" I asked.

"D.Va is going to introduce Lucio to her family in South Korea, Lucio also has a concert there that Mei and D.Va are going to. So D.Va is out..." Genji contemplated. "The Captain and Commander will be staying here of course. I don't think there's many staying, most agents are going back to their families or home country."

"Quiet Christmas then," I smiled again.

"We could go ice skating," Genji suggested.

"Yeah sure! That would be fun,"

"For now we'll be training though, you'd better get breakfast, training starts in fifteen minutes." He waved goodbye as he walked away.

I got a bite to eat before getting called over to where the Commander was. "I hear you aren't going anywhere?" He whispered.

" sir." I replied.

"You should get out and about," he encouraged me.

"I'd rather have the quiet Christmas," I replied. "I'll be fine, really, staying here with you, Genji and the Captain." I reassured him.

"I feel you might be lonely that's all..." Morrison looked uncomfortable.

I sighed. "I'll be fine, you don't have to worry so much for me."

"You don't have a father to do it so I guess I'll do it for him." He chuckled before dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

"Sage, can we duel a bit before training?" Genji called me over.

"Oh, yeah sure." I replied.

We entered the training room and pulled mats together to create a fighting space.

"No weapons, just hand to hand combat." Genji emptied his shurikens and unsheathed his blades.

"Alright." I rolled my eyes jokingly as I slipped my jewellery off and took my sweater off.

"Let's start." He entered the ring.

I stepped onto the mats and immediately he ran at me. I dodged his leap before sweeping my leg down, tripping him over. I grabbed him by the arm, pulling him up before throwing him to one side. Genji grunted as the Captain and Commander came in, talking. They stopped to watch us duel together. I wiped the sweat that was starting to form at the top of my forehead.

"Ready to go again?" I could hear his voice getting mischievous.

"Come and have a go if you think you're good enough." I shot back, grinning.

"Be careful what you wish for!" He leaped at me, bowling me over.

"Knee him in the stomach!" Ana yelled out.

"Flip her over!" Morrison shouted.

I kneed him in the stomach and, before he could flip me, fastened my legs around his neck and pulled him down, rendering him defenseless.

I laughed as he struggled. "What was that about being careful what I wished for?" I teased.

"Be careful what you wish for!" He panted, before starting to tickle my ribs.

I loosened my grip, gasping with laughter. "I'!" I shrieked as I tried to evade him.

Still, the tickles were relentless. "Do you surrender?" Genji asked.

"You'!" I gasped.

"Do you surrender?" He repeated.

"Yes!" I cried, unable to take the tickles any longer.

He released me and I panted for breath. I was able to rest long enough to overhear Amari mutter to Morrison fondly.

"Ah the wonders of youth," she joked.

The Commander laughed in response, looking on as I got tackled to the ground again by Genji, yelling out "you're not exactly helping guys!"


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