Chapter 13 - Retreat

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I ran to Reinhardt's shield as the other helicopters fired down at us. Mei turned into an ice block as I ran for my life. I fell as a shot hit it's mark in my leg. My gems glowed as I blocked the bullets. I could feel the gems tiring out. I wouldn't be able to hold for much longer. Suddenly Zinnia dropped in front of me and immediately wrapped us both up in a big flower that sucked us into the ground. The flower got shot a few times before we managed to make it into the ground. I crawled to the edge of the flower, gasping at the pain.

"Oh my goodness are you alright?" Zinnia pulled a hand away from healing the bullet holes to examine my wound.

"I need to get to Mercy." My teeth was gritted against the pain as she turned my leg over.

"We're nearly there." She promised.

Moments later the flower unfurled and burst out of the ground. The Commander hurried over, picking me up and carrying me over to Mercy. She took of my boots before taking out her staff and started to use a yellow stream coming from it. My wound cleaned and scabbed over as well as my burn.

"Not the best tool but one of the most efficient." She explained as my breathing slowed.

I got up, testing my leg. It was fine. I slipped the boot back on and Mercy followed me out the door. D.Va and Pharah had finally retreated to us as the helicopters landed. Men poured out from the exits, holding guns and readying them.

"Hyacinth! Zinnia! Genji! Ana! D.Va! Go!" Morrison yelled and I sprang into action.

I teleported onto the porch, and they unknowingly shot at Ana, Zinnia and Genji. I grabbed two of them and dragged them away from the others, isolating them. My gems produced short blades at my hands.

"Sage! Do NOT do anything more than stun them. Tie them up, gag them, make sure they don't escape but don't kill them. Teleport to the ship, we'll lock them up once you've ties them. Understood?"

"Yes Commander." I said as my blades turned blunt.

I knocked both of the men in the back of the head, causing them both o go unconscious. I disarmed them before tying them up and teleporting to the ship. I went through the teleporter and found a big grey room where Torbjorn was.

"Here they are." Torbjorn greeted me.

He was fixing another contraption of his. Already Zinnia was locking up a few men in the huge cell at the back of the room. I threw the men I had into the cell as Zinnia closed the door.

"How much do those men eat? They weigh a ton!" I complained.

Zinnia laughed before walking out. I followed her to see that we were being cornered into the ship, Reinhardt's shield covering the entire entrance.

"We have to stop this." I murmured to Zinnia.

She nodded and we leapt into the battle. I picked off ones at the edge as Zinnia fought in front of Reinhardt's shield.

Suddenly I heard Zinnia mutter "I can take them out. It'll be easy."

"No! Zinnia save it up!" Ana was yelling through the earpiece as Zinnia ran forward and suddenly a giant flower protruded from the ground, surrounding her as she stood at the centre of it.

All of a sudden the men around her were falling to the ground in obvious pain. A few that Zinnia clearly didn't reach aimed their guns at her, ready to fire.

"No! Zinnia!" I screamed, running in front of her just as they fired.

I was almost too late. One of the shots hit Zinnia in the arm and the bullet immediately popped out of the wound as it closed up. The rest of the three shots hit me in the shoulder and in my calf (the bullet I found out later, came from a man hiding in the bushes) I cursed as I crumbled, swiping at the man's legs in front of me. 

"Hyacinth! Get out of there!" Reinhardt yelled as Tracer zipped to me, clearly just coming from the teleporter.

"Let's get you out of here love." She picked me up (which was quite a feat, I'd been eating a lot lately) and rewinded back to behind Reinhardt's shield.

"You shouldn't have gone in there alone." Mercy chided gently as Tracer went back in to get Zinnia. 

Mercy called Symmetra through and Symmetra picked up my body (with her light-bending Photon Projector). She carried me through the teleporter.

"Are we retreating?" My voice was strained as Mercy took off my boot and rolled up my leggings to examining my leg wound. 

"Yes, unfortunately, we couldn't capture all of those men Zinnia damaged without leaving us vulnerable to death. It is likely we will be pushed back here. You really should stop injuring your leg, why can't it be your stomach?" She replied tensely, cleaning my leg wound.

I grimaced and winced. "Where is everyone else?"

"They are coming!" Torbjorn looked up from where he was creating another gadget.

It let out a beep and a woosh and Mercy looked up. "Torbjorn? What was that sound?"

"Seems like I've hit another snag!" He picked up a screwdriver.

"Define 'little snag'." Mercy teased.

"Forget about it! It just needs a little more work! It's going to work trust me!"

"Is your turret really going to work?" Tracer asked as she zipped back in with Zinnia and looked at the slowly turning turret at the teleporter

"Of course it's going to work! I built it!" Torbjorn waved his hand distractedly.

"Inspires confidence, doesn't he?" Mercy was still in the teasing mode as she tied bandages around my leg before starting on my shoulder.

Suddenly the teleporter was pulsing as everyone poured through. 

"Close the teleporter! Now!" Morrison yelled to Symmetra as he came through.

Symmetra immediately shut down the teleport. All was silent.

"We retreated? Why did we retreat?" Zinnia looked around at them.

"Because you decided to use a very powerful thing on dozens of men whom we couldn't have captured without making ourselves vulnerable." Reyes snapped but Ana stopped him from having a full lecture.

"We couldn't have captured those men. It's better to retreat than lose lives." Morrison replied.

"That means we'll be fighting for our home... here." Reinhardt murmured the words everyone was afraid to say, to accept.

"Affirmative. We must set up our defenses immediately. Who knows how long it will take for Dr Snow to get here. He already knows our coordinates." Captain Ana said.

"That's right Captain. Get to work now. Turrets need to be set up. All our tanks need to be in the field, Lucio and Mercy will be too. Ana, you will be sniping from a high area Zenyatta you are not permitted in the field unless told. Go!" The Commander ordered.

I hope you liked this chapter! If you have any suggestions or improvements please feel free to comment! :) 

I forgot to upload yesterday -_- sorry! :(

I forgot to upload yesterday -_- sorry! :(

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