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dallon patiently waited in the band room with his friends. today's game was an away one, all the way in park city. he was excited, because the drive from salt lake to park city was absolutely gorgeous.

you could say, in the least, dallon was excited. but the buses were running late, and the rest of the band was loosing patience.

dallon though? of course not. he was possibly the most patient man in the world, and this can be taken as a flaw, or a useful skill. he had never really been in a relationship, because he never moved on from his first crush.

dallon was always patiently awaiting the day that brendon urie would first realize his existence, and then pay attention to him.

dallon had liked brendon since he first saw him in fourth grade.

now they were seniors in high school. and dallon still liked brendon.

people who knew about the crush felt bad for the kid. i mean, a band nerd, getting with the captain of the football team?

that's only stuff you read about in romance novels.

dallon lapsed into daydreaming about brendon. he was excited. as a member of the band, he got to sit and watch the whole game from the stands. he pretty much had an excuse to stare at brendon.

and boy, he was thankful for it.

dallon felt a bump on his shoulder, and he glanced around to see what had caused it. there stood his best friend spencer, eyeing him strangely.

"please tell me you weren't daydreaming about brendon again? dude, you gotta get over him."

"uh," dallon stuttered, suddenly nervous, "someday it'll happen. i just gotta be patient."

spencer sadly shook his head and said, "dallon. he's still dating sarah. he's probably straight anyway. im sorry dude, but it's just facts."

dallon nodded, but deep down he knew that someday he'd be rushing the field after a game to hug brendon. if he waited long enough, it would happen. he knew it would.

he knew it.


hey !! hope that you're enjoying the fic so far !! it seems like one of those stereotypical high school fics, so i deeply apologize about that.
let me know what you think so far!

<3 mac

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