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the following days went as so:
morning with brendon.
lunch with brendon.
then home alone.

everyday when dallon would get home, he'd do homework and then nap. after a bit he'd cook dinner for when he was hungry. dallon had reached a point of no emotion. it was as if he was dead.

but not quite.

he had lapsed into such a perfect schedule. occasionally his dad would stop by. dallon didn't really talk to him. he'd just nod and then go to his room til he left.

his mom had called him. she was in california. she got a new job. she was happy. which was good. good for her. she also promised to send dallon money for food and stuff every week.

but he didn't really care. he had no emotions anymore. i mean, if you don't have emotion, then you can't get hurt, right?

that night when dallon was in bed, deep in thought, his phone started ringing. dallon picked it up and answered without checking who it was. a poor choice on his half.

"hey. dallon?"

it was the voice of spencer smith.

"oh, hey. what's up?" dallon said, attempting to make his voice sound "normal."

"not much. just checkin in on you. haven't seen you lately. also, you look really pale dude."

"im good."

"are you sure? you know i care about you..."

dallon nodded, but then remembered spencer couldn't see him.

"uh, yeah. thanks."

"well, call me if you need anything, ok? i love you man."

"yep." dallon croaked, and then hung up.

maybe alex was right. dallon was just really fucking oblivious.


hey hey hey my dudes. 380 reads. that's so crazy to me. thank you so so so much. also, heard about the whole thing with someone having an abusive fic about sarah?? and i just wanted to say how that's not okay?? like do not write about something as serious as that unless you yourself have experienced it, ok?? i write about the whole messed up parents thing because that is my situation, and it's most likely going to be present in every book i ever write because i honestly don't know what a household with two steady parental figures is like. and that's how life is and that a-okay. im a fine and capable person. (:
what im just tryin to say is, im not putting dallon in this situation to "enrich the plot." im just putting a bit of myself into his story. dallon's actual parents are simply amazing people and i mean that. this story is not real, and 100% a work of fiction.
just don't write about things you are not familiar with. thank you.
sorry for the authors note that's longer than the chapter lol
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now