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dallon started to stutter, "w-what do you mean, sp-spencer love me?"

alex flicked the ash off the end of his cigarette, and looked dallon dead in the eyes. it was truly a terrifying experience.

"spencer smith has had a crush on you for years, and he doesn't need you flirting with urie right in front of his fucking face."

dallon looked flabbergasted. spencer? he was his best friend, but only his best friend. not once had he shown any emotion towards dallon besides friendship.

dallon voiced this out loud, and alex rolled his eyes.

"well no shit sherlock," he said, clearly annoyed, "why would he? you've been chasing after urie for what is it, 10 years now? spencer was hoping maybe one day you'd move on. apparently not."

dallon was now angry. "wait, i finally get a chance with brendon and you won't let me take it? what the fuck man!?"

alex sighed, and spoke with an emotion other than coldness. "okay dallon, i get it man. you're finally getting a chance with the guy you've been pining after for years. but i hate to break it to you. it's not going to happen. brendon urie is, as far as we know, very straight. also, he's popular. no offense, but he might just be talking to you because he feels bad."

alex grimaced at the last sentence, and dallon just stood there. he felt nothing.

moments later though, once he was home and back in bed, he felt like he'd been hit with a bus.

no, actually, make that nine buses.


holy shit!! 120 reads! that's amazing!! im honestly surprised that people are reading this fic. but don't get me wrong, im very glad you are!!

<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now