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dallon fell asleep after his mom left. he woke up the next morning early. 5:13am was what his phone flashed up at him. it was also a saturday.

what was he going to do all day? lay in bed? he had the house to himself. maybe a party? then brendon would notice him...

but what would he be celebrating? his mother leaving? that seemed pretty fucked up to dallon. anyways, who would he even invite? at this point dallon was unsure that he had any real friends.

so dallon went back to bed. and that's how he spent he the whole weekend. getting out of bed to only get some snacks or use the bathroom. he slept and binge-watched the entire two seasons of twin peaks.

dallon didn't check his phone the whole weekend. every time he'd glance at it, he'd notice a new text from spencer. dallon couldn't handle that right now. he just wanted to sleep.

by monday he was a wreck. he showed up to school with unkempt messy hair, and the same outfit he'd worn the day before: a grey button-up t-shirt, and black jeans.

he couldn't go to the band room without facing alex's wrath, so he just walked laps around the empty halls. per usual he was an hour early. the school was empty, and quiet. he enjoyed it quite a bit.

after 20 minutes of solitude though, he heard another voice.

"hey! weekes! slow down!"

turning around, dallon saw brendon. he couldn't help but smile. "this man is gonna be the death of me," dallon said to himself, and then louder, "hey what's up?"

"you're here early again today."

"yeah, always am."

"well," brendon began, "im always here early too. so, we should hang out every morning. yknow, if you're into that."

"yeah," dallon said softly, "that would be fun."


242 reads?? wow. that's crazy. 44 votes?? that's even crazier. thank you so much for enjoying my book. it means the world to me. thank you so fucking much.

<3 mac

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