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"im sorry! dallon! wait!"

that's all dallon heard as he ran out the door, ran through the halls, ran out the school, and ran all the way home. he didn't stop once, didn't wipe the blinding tears out of his eyes, he just ran.

and then he slept. dallon weekes slept for three consecutive days.

sure he didn't sleep solidly, but he didn't get out of bed, or do anything besides lay there.

he didn't know how to even begin to explain the pain that rested in his stomach. or the pain that rested everywhere.

he should've known. he should've fucking known. brendon had always been in love with sarah, and he always fucking would be.

just like how dallon had always been in love with brendon. he always would be. it was inevitable that dallon was the one to get hurt. he was the first one to confess feelings. hell, even when he said he loved him not on accident, brendon always said, "not yet."

dallon deeply tried to suppress these memories. it was hard. it was like someone had tattooed brendon urie's grin on the insides of his eyelids; it was all he saw when he closed his eyes to sleep at night. brendon was all he dreamed of.

after days of sleeping, dallon felt numb. he had stopped crying, because he now didn't feel a thing. brendon urie was just a faded name. at this point every single memory was faded and grey.

it was better for dallon like this though, i mean, you can't get hurt if you can't feel anything, right?


oops there's only gonna be a few more chapters of this book, i hope you like the ending. it's gonna get emo. some brobrecks references will be made, but that's the only hint im giving you ;)
i might just upload the next end chapters tonight... let me know if i should?
remember to vote & comment!!
i can't believe we have this many reads, thank you so much.
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now