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the next morning dallon felt like shit. he was exhausted, mentally and physically. he wasn't sure how to face spencer. or brendon.

i mean, would brendon even talk to him today? carefully dallon got up and pulled on jeans, along with some random sweater he found laying on the floor. he was too tired to check if it was clean or not.

when he got to school, spencer, alex, miles, and mac were all waiting by the band room. spencer grinned at dallon, and waved hello. dallon awkwardly waved back, and cringed inwardly.

spencer smith loved him? dallon took a deep breath and walked up to them.

alex glanced up at dallon, but then went back to talking to miles. dallon threw alex a glare, before wishing mac and spencer a good morning.

"what's wrong dude? you look wrecked!" spencer exclaimed, staring at dallon's messy hair and dark circles.

"it's fine," yawned dallon, "im just a bit tired."

spencer nodded, and then said, "your dad giving you shit again?"

dallon shook his head a no, and then checked his phone, wanting to end the conversation.
on his phone was a text from alex, from only a few minutes ago. it read;

"dally-boy, be nice to spencer. do not talk to urie around him or you're out the band."

dallon instantly, and angrily replied;

"why do you care so much? spencer needs to move on."

alex put his phone away, and pulled dallon aside.

"i care because im not a fucking piece of shit. it's tearing him apart man."

"he should be happy for me!" dallon yelled, angry.

"god you're a dick," alex sighed.

dallon, turned on his heel and walked away, angry. he finally had a chance with the guy he'd liked for years, and now all of his friends were mad at him?

"just my luck." dallon mumbled, as he caught brendon's eye in the halls.


oh my sorry for this piece of shit that is a chapter. ahhh okay i hate this chapter so much it was just a shitty filler.
the next will be better, i swear.

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now