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it was moments like these that dallon truly hated himself. he wished he could teleport anywhere but here. he felt so light-headed and just sick.

brendon looked concerned. he didn't speak, but just stared at his face.

they made eye contact, and brendon prompted him again, "you what?"

"l-love you," dallon whispered, barely audible.

brendon sighed. "i won't deny it," he said, his voice soft too, "i like you dude. you're cool and pretty fuckin adorable at times."

dallon started blushing, and his spirits went from the bottom of the ocean to the top of everest.

"but," brendon continued, "i don't love you. hell, love is shitty. i don't want love. i loved sarah, look where that got me."

dallon nodded. sarah petersen would be the bane of his existence. brendon would always love her. i mean, dallon would probably be crushing on her pretty hard, if he weren't gay.

"i get it." dallon said, staring at the ground.

"um, well, since we're on the subject, just because im not in love with you doesn't mean that, i uh, fuck im phrasing this weird."

brendon sighed and ran his hands through his hair. he was shaking. dallon desperately wanted to reach out, to hold him, to tell him it's all okay.

"i uh, i wanna take you out to coffee. i mean, if that's okay with you," brendon finally said, looking up at dallon for his approval.

dallon felt a grin creep onto his face. oh, what a rollercoaster of emotions he just experienced.

"yeah, of course. id love to."

brendon smiled.


ahh woohoo another chapter is done and the brallon is really starting to happen. im excited. i hope you guys are enjoying this. almost 500 reads, that's honestly so crazy to me. i get a little smile whenever i get a notification about this fic. makes me so happy. :))
thank you
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now