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after dallon told his whole story, josh stood there, a sad look on his face.

"im so sorry dude. that, that sucks so much. here's my advice. get new friends. they're toxic and it's just not okay. and brendon? he clearly makes you happy. stick around that boy, okay?
do what you need to do to maximize your happiness."

dallon nodded and then said, "how do i get new friends? they're all i know."

"hang with me at lunch if you want, or make friends with brendon's friends. i wouldn't recommend that though, because if you guys split then you'll be alone again."

"can i meet your friends now?"

"of course," josh said.

dallon wiped his snot and tears off on his sleeves, and then exited the bathroom with josh. they walked down several halls, and ended up in an area of the high school that dallon had never been before.

it was nice, an empty back hallway. josh entered the first classroom he saw, which was the engineering room, somewhere dallon had never been.

inside sat a group of guys and girls dressed similar to josh. most of them had dyed hair, a few piercings, and they just had that grunge vibe.

"this is the crew. crew, this is dallon."

dallon nodded in greeting, and mumbled out a hello.

"he's shy, isn't he?" said a bleach blonde boy.

"yeah, sorta," josh said in response.

the boy nodded, and then got up and shook dallon's hand. "hey," he said, "name's mikey."


new friends who dis. hah, i think we've all been in dallon's position. toxic old friends. ugh. but i got good ones now, and i hope you do too (:
also, 1k reads?? holy hell, thank you guys so much.
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now