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as the days went by, dallon became more and more disconnected from the group. so when he walked into the band room and saw a brown curly-haired girl named sarah kissing someone who was not her boyfriend, brendon urie, dallon thought nothing of it.

he just walked past.

they had a home game tomorrow. dallon usually would have been excited, but currently he was not. his patience was running out. he didn't want brendon to pay attention to him just at the games. he wanted attention all the time.

i mean how hard is it to just smile in the hall? or eye contact at least?

shaking his head, dallon got his flute case, and walked out of the band room, passing brendon in the hall.

once again dallon thought nothing of this, or of the yells he heard from brendon and sarah. he just kept walking.

at the game next day, dallon played half-heartedly. as the players ran onto the field, dallon couldn't help but cast a glance at brendon. brendon looked... different.

his eyes were hollow, and his skin was pale. his eyes darted around the stands, like he was looking for someone, and then a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

he was probably looking for sarah. dallon looked around too, and he didn't see her either. and then he remembered what he had seen in the band room.

what he had heard.

and it finally made sense.


ah i love sarah urie so much, so id like to make it clear that this is not sarah urie we are talking about!! think of it as some other sarah. i just adore the name sarah, so i wanted to use it :))
also, happy birthday brendon!

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