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"hey, weekes! you alright?"

dallon looked up at brendon, and wanted to cry. because of him, all of his friends were pissed. because of him, dallon was about to lose his spot on the band. yet dallon couldn't get mad at him.

he was brendon urie.

"yeah, im fine." dallon said, blatantly lying.

brendon raised an eyebrow, but didnt question anything. "you're here early," brendon mused, "why?"

"because usually i hang out in the band room."

"why not this morning?"


yes dallon, because reasons was the appropiate answer to that question. dallon was fully prepared for brendon to question him, yet he still didnt. he just nodded and kept walking alongside him.

"h-how are you?"

brendon sighed and scratched the back of his neck, "uh, im okay. miss the field i guess."

dallon nodded, "im sorry about that. and about sarah."

brendon shrugged. "it's not your fault."

they walked in a peaceful silence for a bit, and then brendon looked at dallon for a bit before speaking, "do you wanna have lunch with me today?"

"id like that!" dallon said with a smile.

brendon happily nodded, and they walked around for a bit more, small talk filling the silence.

soon the first bell rang, and they split ways, each going to their own classes.

as soon as dallon walked into english, he ran into spencer and miles. spencer awkwardly glanced up at him, and walked over.

"everything ok with you and alex?" he asked.

"uh, yeah, it's fine." dallon said, nodding to reassure him.

"if you say so." spencer said softly.


 this chapters are just decreasing in quality, ahh i apologize. it should get better soon. im so sorry.

<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now