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in twenty-seven minutes brendon would be picking dallon up to take him to coffee. dallon kept trying on different outfits, practically panicking.

in the end, he decided on a casual black thrasher tee, and black jeans.

and then he decided that was too emo, and swapped for a white shirt-sleeved button up.

but that was just too formal.

after trying on about 7 more outfits, dallon realized he had only 10 more minutes. hurriedly, he threw on an old, white my chemical romance shirt, and went to work on his hair.

• • •

"feeling pretty emo today?" brendon asked, as dallon got in the car.

dallon glanced down at his shirt, and laughed, "yeah, uh, gotta love me some mcr."

brendon laughed as well, and then opened the center console. in it we're a few tapes. dallon was impressed. not many people owned tapes. or at least that dallon knew of.

brendon dug around for a bit, before settling on one. carefully he put it in, and then it started to play.

a strong g-note filled the silence in the car.

"brendon boyd urie what the fuck is wrong with you?"

brendon started laughing really hard as he drove. "what?" he said between laughs, "it's a good song!"

dallon rolled his eyes, "im having flashbacks of a very emo me in seventh grade, who could rival gerard way."

brendon started laughing even harder, "oh really? id like to see photographic evidence of this."

dallon crossed his arms, and furrowed his eyebrows, "i think not."

"i think yes."






aw cute lil bickering. gotta make it lift and fluffy before everything turns to hell. fasten your seatbelt folks, cuz this shit about to get heavy, i just settled all my lawsuits, fuck you debby!!

sorry that was a shitty eminem reference that i had no business to make because i hate eminem.

anyways, hope you're enjoying this, be sure to follow me for more, vote, and comment!!

<3 mac

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