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it was late, but strangely the coffee shop was still open. magical things happen when you wanna go on a date, dallon guessed. brendon, a sheepish grin on his face, held the door open for dallon.

he walked in, and nervously waited for brendon to pick a table, or at least do something. brendon came and lead dallon to a spot, nestled nicely in a corner. a waitress came up, and brendon quickly ordered for both of them.

"what did you get me?" dallon asked, confused.

brendon smirked, "a surprise."

dallon weekes hated surprises.

"no," he said, "what did you order me?"

"cmon dall. it's gonna be good."

dallon felt anxiety start climbing up his spine. "brendon, please. what if i don't like it?"

"but you will!"

"but," dallon said, his voice cracking, "what if i don't?"

anxiety started to gnaw at dallon's stomach. why am i like this, he cursed himself, he's just trying to do something sweet.

"if you don't then you can order something else."

dallon didn't want to argue with the man who had offered to take him out to coffee, yet that's where he found himself. pressing buttons, doing nearly anything he could to get a ride out of him.

dallon's anxiety had taken control.

"please, just, tell me what you ordered."

"fine," brendon snapped, "it's a macchiato. i knew you liked them because you'd always get them at football games."

"oh." dallon said, his voice quiet.

he felt so bad. why the fuck do i have to fuck shit up? dallon wanted to scream at himself, why am i such an asshole?


i have the same experiences with my anxiety. this actually happened to me this weekend with some friends.
thank you so much for reading this little story, and damn, 600 reads?? that's crazy!! thank you so much. i love all your comments, the reactions as this goes on make me laugh so hard.
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now