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the rest of the day was hell for dallon. he decided to eat lunch with brendon, and the moment school got out he was bombarded with texts from alex.

"you piece of shit."

"spencer, your best friend, is falling apart."

"at least have the common curtesy to talk to him yourself and tell him."

"i swear to god weekes, if you date urie and be the pompous ass you are to spencer..."

dallon just stopped reading them after that. he didn't even bother stopping by the band room after school, and just went straight home. his mom asked him what was wrong, but her voice held no sincerity.

she just thought because she asked it would make her a "good mom." it didn't though. dallon still just ignored her and went to his room.

twenty minutes later, dallon heard a soft knock on his door. he opened it, and was face to face with his mom.

"what do you want?" he asked, sounding exhausted.

"can we talk?" his mom asked, looking serious for once in her life.

"what do you think we're doing now?" dallon said, his voice full of venom.

he felt a bit bad. he should've been nicer. before he could apologize, his mom spoke.
"im leaving," she said, "i don't know where your dad is. maybe on another bender. anyways, no one cares if i leave. you're a good kid. don't be like your father and i."

dallon didn't know what to say. his mom was just gonna leave him? and his dad was rarely home, so did that mean he was now on his own?

"w-what?" dallon choked out, his voice cracking.

"you heard what i said. i love you dallon, and i know deep down you probably love me, but you don't care about me."

she sounded like a 6th grade girl trying to get attention from someone.

"so you're fucking leaving me? im 17 mom!!"

"yes dallon, you're 17. you can handle it. i don't wanna argue about this. i need to start over."

dallon wanted to scream. how was she so calm about this? she needed to start over? what about her son? her house? her husband was an ass, but he still was her husband!

"fine then. fucking fine."

dallon slammed his door, hard. he heard his mom start to cry.

but when he opened the door to check on her, the only sound he heard was the front door closing, and her car driving away.


serious stuff going on. im actually proud of this chapter. woo!! anyways, poor dallon. what could happen next??
comment & vote!! we're so close to 200 reads, thank you so much!!!
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now