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"listen, brendon, im sorry. i just panicked an-"

"it's fine," brendon said, cutting him off.

clearly it wasn't fine. brendon looked annoyed and exhausted. he kept running his hands through his hair, something dallon guessed was a nervous quirk of his.

if the room wasn't as tense as it was, dallon would be thinking it was adorable, the way his hair messily kept falling in his face.

"it's clearly not fine," dallon said, his voice starting to soften, "i- sorry. im not good with surprises and my anxiety is killing me."

brendon nodded, and took a drink of his coffee. "it's okay," he said, "im nervous too. i don't wanna screw this up."

dallon nodded, and laughed lightly, "me neither. i like you. a lot."

brendon smirked, his mood brightening. "do you, perhaps, love me?"

"ha. ha. very funny brendon."

brendon kept smirking, feeling proud of his joke. "maybe someday ill love you too."

dallon glanced up at brendon, and say that his signature smirk had dropped after he said that. his face was quite serious, and he was looking down at his drink, avoiding eye contact with dallon.

"hopefully someday." dallon whispered back.

the rest of the date went quite well. lots of small talk occurred. at the end of the night they knew more things about eachother than they knew about anyone else.

dallon knew that brendon's favorite song was new flesh by current joys because the lyrics were really sad, yet the song made him happy. brendon knew that dallon's favorite song was veins by lohra palmer because he really liked twin peaks and the 'i know who killed laura palmer' line at the beginning.

dallon could write a book about the things he knew about brendon, but he didn't because he wanted to keep it all to himself. he wanted to hoard brendon, and everything about him. he was so special to him. he made dallon forget about his family and alex and spencer and every single bad thing that had happened to him.

when dallon was with brendon, he was happy.


sorry for not writing in a while!! lots of stuff has been going on, so i made this chapter 100 words longer to try and make up for it.
hope you all have been good??
don't forget to vote & comment!!
<3 mac

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