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at 2:34am dallon's mom walked into his room. "what are you doing?" she asked, sounding exhausted.

"i gotta go do something. ill be back."

his mom just sighed and said, "i wish you'd say something more than 'i have to go do something.'"

dallon took a deep breath and said, "i wish you'd say something like i love you sometimes. but not everyone gets what they want."

"don't wake up your father. that's all i ask."

dallon nodded, pulled on his jacket, and slipped past her. he silently went down the stairs, and out the front door.

his relationship with his mom was a weird one. she drank a lot, so her moods varied. overall she was emotionless though, and let dallon kind of do anything he wanted.

she wasn't a great mom, but dallon didn't care.

his dad was a story for another day.

quietly, dallon got into his car, and started it. it was now 2:47, and dallon felt anxiety start to take its grip. alex wouldn't make him do anything terrible, but he was still scared.

at exactly 3am dallon was standing outside his car, in the freezing cold, waiting for alex. he waited for 3 more minutes, and then heard footsteps.

sure enough, it was alex. his hair wasn't styled, and instead messy and stuck out everywhere. dallon would've laughed if the situation hadn't been so nerve-wracking.

"what's up weekes." alex drawled, an unlit cigarette loosely hanging out of the left side of his mouth.

"what do you want alex?" dallon said forcefully, desperately wanting to just get this over with.

"i want you to fucking back off of urie. if you weren't so fucking caught up with him, you'd realize that spencer, newsflash, is in fucking love with you."


revelations are always fun. how was your guys' day? hope it was a good one !!
remember to vote & comment, im and curious as to what you guys think of my lil story.
<3 mac

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