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some odd amount of time later, the bus arrived. dallon and the rest of the band got on, and then came the football team.

brendon got on first, a bright grin plastered on his face. he always looked that way before a game. happy and excited. brendon always held his head up proudly. the rest of the team followed suit.

the drive to park city wasn't as wondrous as dallon had expected. it was actually quite boring. spencer had fallen asleep, so at the peak of his boredom, dallon turned around to talk to those behind him.

sitting in the seat behind was two more of dallon's friends, named alex and miles. alex was the lead of the marching band, cocky and arrogant, he kept the band in order. his black hair was always swept back with gallon's of pomade.

miles on the other hand, had a sinister grin and a buzzcut. miles and alex had met way back in the first grade. they had remained best friends ever since.

"hey dal, what's up?" miles asked.

dallon shrugged and said, "i dunno. spencer fell asleep. im bored."

alex glanced up at dallon with an annoyed look. "spencer's asleep? we'll be there in twenty minutes! wake 'em up!"

dallon rolled his eyes, "what's the harm?" he said, "we have twenty minutes."

"what's the harm?" alex barked, raising his voice, "what's the harm? he needs to be ready to perform! if he can't pl-"

and who was to cut off alex turner? well it was none other than brendon urie.

"al, shut up, let smith rest, and lay off weekes, okay? stop being so harsh."

dallon felt his face warm up as he turned to see brendon staring at them. dallon surprised himself by giving him a quick smile, and was even more surprised by brendon returning it.

the moment was over though, as brendon turned back around and sat down, resuming his conversation with the person beside him.

spencer awoke during this, and started to laugh.

"shut up." dallon barked.

spencer raised his eyebrows, and went back to sleep. dallon just stared out the window.


patience. brallon is coming.
warning: this will not be a fast moving book !! so if you like fast-paced-they're-making-out-in-the-second-chapter then this book ain't for you honey.
regardless, if you're reading this, lemme know what you think.
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now