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dallon wasn't sure what he expected the next day at school. deep down he hoped that brendon would talk to him. he hoped for at least a smile. but when he passed brendon and his group of friends, brendon didn't even look his way.

drained, and disappointed, dallon fell down onto the ground beside spencer. dallon, spencer, and their friends always ate on the floor by their lockers.

the hallway they ate at wasn't frequently traveled, allowing them to be able to speak freely without worry of some other kid overhearing.

"what's up?" spencer asked.

"just, i don't know, i walked past brendon in the hall and he did nothing. didn't even look at me."

dallon's other best friend, josh, turned towards dallon and said, "dude. its brendon urie. captain of the football team. i hate to break it to you, but he's probably got other things on his mind."

spencer nodded with a grimace on his face, and said, "sorry dall."

dallon just nodded, and started eating. soon his other friends showed up. miles sat beside dallon, looking equally distressed.

"what's wrong with you two?" ryan asked, brushing his hair out of his face.

spencer replied before dallon could, saying, "dallon's disappointed because brendon didn't acknowledge him, but im not sure what's up with miles."

"alex is being a dick." miles whispered quietly.

ryan nodded, and apologized to both men. he understood how much brendon meant to dallon, and when dallon had texted their groupchat about brendon last night, he had high hopes. dallon wasn't the happiest person, and the whole friend group hadn't seen him that excited about something in a while.

and about alex, well, ryan wasn't surprised. it was alex turner, and he had never really been the kindest person. but he knew how much miles loved him.

dallon nodded, and went back to staring blankly at his lunch. spencer hated when he did this. it was like he was dead. he'd go silent. he wasn't quite dead though. he'd still move and text and stuff. but he wasn't alive, that's for sure.


oooOoooOoo a title reference ;))
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<3 mac

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