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the game started, and ended quickly. as they got deeper into the football season, each game seemed to get shorter, so were dallon's chances to talk to brendon.

whenever brendon sat on the bench to get water, dallon would instantly get nervous. his hands would get sweaty, and he'd almost always drop his instrument.

today was different though. when brendon came to get water, he smiled at dallon again. dallon didn't know what to do. he panicked. he smiled back, but as he was doing so, he clumsily dropped his lovely flute onto the bleachers. down it rolled, all the way to brendon.

dallon turned a ghastly shade of pale, and then bright red as brendon said, "oh dude, here let me get it."

and he got the flute and brought it back to dallon. their fingertips touched as brendon handed it to him, and dallon felt his breath hitch.

brendon smiled, and looked as if he was going to say something, when he heard, "URIE! BACK TO THE FIELD!"

brendon laughed and said, "well, gotta go," and
ran down the bleachers.

dallon sat back down, and spencer walked down from his seat to talk to dallon.

"wow." spencer said, "you talked to him."

"i feel like im dying."


spencer rolled his eyes, but walked back.

the rest of the game went on rather quickly,
and ended in a solid win for salt lake city high. and that left both dallon and brendon grinning.

dallon loved to see brendon happy after a game. brendon's big smile always brightened his day.

as the band got on the bus, you could hear the football team hooping and hollering behind them, brendon leading the way,

"good job band!" brendon shouted, his best friend pete echoing him.

it wasn't brendon saying this that made dallon's knees feel weak, and his stomach crawl into his throat, it was the fact that brendon stared directly at him as he said this.

and then dallon puked.


poor dally. can't handle this much attention from the softy that is brendon urie.
anyways, hope you're enjoying this!
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