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nervous, dallon checked the seating chart. sure enough, he was sat in the back corner with a mr. alexander turner. alex was already there, a huge smirk on his face.

dallon rolled his eyes and sat down, trying his best to ignore alex.

"hey hey, if it isn't mr. urie now?"

"what do you mean?" dallon hissed, not wanting to get yelled at by a teacher again.

"well, you're clearly not mr. smith, and it seems you've chosen urie over, let me think, all of your friends haven't you?"

deep down dallon knew that was true, but he didn't want to admit to it.

"i don't know what you're taking about."

now alex was mad. "oh really?" he spat, "let me think, you've cut all of us off, you ignore spencer, who was once your best fucking friend, and you just follow urie and his jocks around all damn day."

dallon didn't answer, so alex kept going, "and," he said, his voice raising, "you don't fucking realize that someday brendon is gonna get bored, and he's going to move on. you will have no one. not a single soul. you will be one hundred fucking percent alone."

this was when dallon started to cry. he had never ever cried in school before, and now here he was sitting in the back of his global studies class, tears dripping down his face.

"fuck. you." dallon whispered at alex, and then he stormed out of the classroom.


i am exhausted. i don't know about you, but i went on a super long hike & played basketball all day. ugh.
how was your day?
also, 800 reads?!? that's crazy! im glad you're enjoying this fic!!! or at least i hope you are!
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<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now