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dallon and brendon walked several laps around the school before classes started. once again, brendon invited dallon to eat lunch with him, and he did.

dallon got to the cafeteria table before brendon did, and awkwardly sat down, waiting for him to show up. he looked down at his lunch, messing with the ziplock containing some cheez-it's.

"hey, dallon right?" tyler asked.

tyler was one of brendon's friends. he seemed nice. all dallon knew was that he was a good football player and a huge taco bell fan. oh, and that he was gay.

"yeah, that's me." dallon said quietly.

tyler nodded, as if he was having some profound thought. "well, it's cool to see another lgbt bro out here. brendon told me you're gay, i hope you don't mind."

dallon almost choked on his food. lgbt bro? he wanted to bust out laughing. this was almost worse than guys saying no homo all the time. but dallon kept his cool, and just said, "yeah, it's cool."

thankfully brendon walked up at that moment. he made a joke about tyler and dallon being his homiesexuals, and dallon contemplated leaving.

instead, he decided to be bold, and said, "what about you brendon? what's your sexuality?"

brendon's face flushed and he started stuttering. dallon instantly regretted asking that, knowing what a terrible position he put brendon into.

he started to apologize, but brendon shushed him. "it's fine," he said.

"honestly," he continued, "i don't really know where i lie. i mean, i love sarah. which is fucked, cuz she hurt me. but i love her."

dallon heard brendon's voice crack when he said the word love, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to cry because he felt bad, or because brendon still loved sarah.

either way, dallon felt like he'd been stabbed.


yayay fun times at the cafeteria, gotta love tyler, am  I right? sorry, i also had to include some shitty puns.
gotta love all my lgbtqa+ bros and sisters.
also would like to say, im here for anyone if they need anything!!! stay alive my guys.
hope you enjoyed this shit filler chapter
<3 mac

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