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"dallon." alex stated, "what the fuck."

dallon looked up at alex, his complexion turning a sickly green, "i-" he stuttered, "i don't know. im so-"

and he puked again. while the rest of the bus was gagging, brendon was making his way back to the band section of the bus. he dropped to a crouch, and lightly rubbed dallon's back. "hey," he said softly, "let's get you somewhere off this bus."

dallon felt like fainting, but he just crouched beside brendon, his mind whirling. what had just happened?

by this time someone had somehow gotten dallon a bag, so his insides weren't splayed everywhere. after brendon asked the coach to find a place to stop, they pulled into a taco bell. one of the juniors, tyler joseph, was especially overjoyed at this fact.

dallon got off the bus with the help of brendon, and sat on the curb of the taco bell parking lot. brendon sat beside him. it was a comfortable silence.

tyler and his friends were happily hooting and hollering over taco bell. they all went inside, and soon it was quiet.

"how you feelin?" brendon asked, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

dallon glanced up at brendon, and made eye contact. he instantly felt sick again, but kept it under control. "uh," he said, "im, uh, im pretty good."

brendon laughed, and said, "dude, based on that show on the bus, im not sure pretty good is an accurate description."

dallon rolled his eyes, and said, "im not bad. that better?"

brendon nodded and glanced off in the distance. he seemed worried about something.

"everything okay with you?" dallon managed to say, his voice cracking on the 'okay'.

brendon nodded absentmindedly, and said, "it's just girlfriend issues. you know what i mean?"

"well," dallon said, "im pretty gay, so i don't really..."

"oh, shit! sorry. not sorry that you're gay, but, like, sorry about assuming."

as brendon got flustered with apologizing, dallon felt his face heat up. brendon was just too damn cute. and, dallon was gaining confidence.

he lightly laughed and said, "don't worry. it's fine."

brendon smiled, and then they lapsed back into another comfortable silence.


brallon brallon brallon
so next chapter some more stuff will happen. anyone got any guesses? im so excited because i have this whole entire book planned out. yay!!
comment and vote!
also, hope you like the new cover!
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now