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the next day brendon was back. he had gotten a bad concussion. he's okay now, but he can't play for the rest of the year.

dallon felt terrible. he knew how much brendon loved football. it was his whole life. it's all sarah's fault, dallon couldn't help but think.

there was another football game that night. they decided to rematch last nights game, since no one played their best. dallon wasn't very excited. i mean, what was the point? brendon wasn't playing. they were bound to lose again.

later that night, at the game, dallon noticed brendon looking restless on the bench. he was alone, and the coach just kept asking how he was doing. about 15 minutes into the game, brendon got up and went to sit by dallon.

dallon went rigid and pale. he was so fucking nervous. "hey, what's up?" brendon asked, looking at dallon.

dallon's eyes went wide. he didn't really understand what was happening. why was brendon paying attention to him?

"uh, not much." dallon choked out.

brendon nodded, and then hung his head, "im so fucking bored."

dallon nodded and said, "yeah, i bet."

"it's so annoying. i just have to watch them lose. i want to scream. if tyler would've ran a different play, then we would've scored just then..."

as brendon rambled about football, dallon analyzed his face; he loved the way his hair was always perfectly styled, and that his arms would flex whenever brendon got frustrated.

"...i just don't get it."

"get what?" dallon asked.

"i don't get why sarah cheated on me."

and at this moment, dallon said something that he'd regret every single day onward, "yeah, if i were sarah i would've never cheated."

brendon laughed lightly, but seemed uncomfortable. dallon realized what he had just said and started panicking. what if brendon no longer wanted to sit by him?

"why the fuck did you just say that?" dallon whispered to himself.

"watch your profanity." brendon whispered.

dallon blushed. why was he fucking up so much? he felt like puking again.


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