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it had been 8 years since dallon walked in on sarah and brendon. 8 years since dallon had ran, and ran.

dallon was sitting in his friend's basement, warming up for a gig. dallon was happy now, he was part of a band called the brobecks. and hell, he was a damn fine musician.

he actually had an audition in 30 minutes for another band. he was nervous, but excited. two musical acts would be hard to juggle, but the money was worth it.

and it was fun.

dallon was happy now. single, yes, he hadn't dated since the incident, but he had good friends. he solved his issues with alex and spencer, and though they didn't hang out, or even see each other often, they still texted a lot. in fact spencer was the one who got him this audition.

dallon arrived at the audition spot early, which was spencer's home, and sat in his car, calming his anxiety. or at least trying to.

finally it was time.

dallon got out of his car, and walked in, carrying nothing but his black bass guitar. he walked in the doors of the small house, and was instantly greeted by spencer's huge grin. spencer pulled him in for a hug, which dallon returned happily.

"follow me," spencer said, leading dallon into another room. this room was full of amps and band equipment. dallon nodded in approval, hooking up his bass.

naturally, dallon played beautifully. he had chosen the song riot van by arctic monkeys, which was, funnily enough, alex's band.

"dude," spencer said, "that's amazing. you've got the spot. you're in."

dallon started to thank spencer, but then was interrupted by a familiar face.

a face that dallon had longed to see for years.


dun dun dunnnnnnn
here's a new chapter, i hope you liked it! gotta leave you with a cliff-hanger. this chapter was sorta oddly written, im not sure how i feel about it. anyways, the next chapter may or may not be the last. sorry guys!!
but, ill probably write more brallon books after this. just let me know what ships you like !!
<3 mac

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