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dallon went to the boy's bathroom and cried. he hadn't cried that hard in a while, but in this moment everything came crushing down on him. he felt like a semi had been dropped on top of him

he couldn't fucking handle it anymore. he just wanted things to go back to how they used to be. he wanted both parents at home, he wanted all of his friends back, and he wanted brendon.

why couldn't he have all three?

why was the whole fucking world set against him. he let out a loud sob, and he heard someone from the stall next door ask if he was alright.

dallon hadn't even noticed that there was someone in the stall next door.

"im fine," he mumbled, his voice cracking.

"dude," the other voice said, "i can tell that you're not okay. what's wrong?"

"everything," dallon said, and then he repeated himself, but quieter, "everything."

dallon heard the stall door next to him unlock, open, and then close.

"come out here dude. rant to me or something. i can't stand the thought of you being alone with all this shit."

"i don't even know you."

"doesn't mean i don't care about you."

dallon sighed and opened the stall door. he found himself face to face with joshua dun, this kinda punk rock nerdy kid with straight black hair.

"well," dallon said, "ill start with my mom..."


woohoo a new character :)) sorry this shit is hella depressing, hope you're enjoying this fic anyways :)
my motivation for writing comes and goes, so updates will go from everyday to every other day.
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now