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the rest of the game consisted of small talk between brendon and dallon. it was nice though. dallon was one of the few people who greatly enjoyed small talk. i mean, it's the first step to becoming friends, right?

at the end of the football game, after dallon and brendon had played a nice innocent game of truth or truth, brendon asked dallon if he could sit with him for the rest of the games.

blushing a furious red, dallon said yes.

after the game, dallon walked to the school parking lot, where his car was waiting. there stood alex, smoking a viceroy cigarette. dallon was surprised, for all he knew just one of his friend's smoked, and that was mac.

"uh, hey al." dallon said.

"what the fuck happened at the game, weekes?"

"what do you mean?"

"you didn't fucking touch your flute once."

dallon paled. he'd completely forgotten. he was so absorbed into talking to brendon that he'd completely spaced the main reason he was at the game; to play in the band.

"im so sorry, im so fucking sorry, ill make it up to you, im-"

alex interrupted dallon's rambling, by saying, "alright, well then i need you to help with something."

dallon stopped, and looked up. he's so anything to stay with the band. "what?" he asked:

"meet me here at 3am and we'll discuss. don't be late weekes, or it's gonna cost your spot on the bleachers, and i know how much you'd miss your small talk with the precious brendon urie."

alex dropped his cigarette, and grounded it into the pavement.

"have a good night," was all he said before walking off into the dark.


ooo what's gonna happen to dallon? also, does anyone know who some of the characters are in real life ;) let me know if you do!! every character in this book will be someone famous, whether you're familiar with them or not, I hope you enjoy it!!
<3 mac

not quite dead, but not quite alive - brallonWhere stories live. Discover now