chapter seven: tea for two

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"tea for two"

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"tea for two"


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"here you go," you proclaimed, extending the receipt and corresponding order number to the customer in front of you.

the printer behind you hummed a rhythmic tune, a mechanical lullaby that punctuated the morning bustle. another order slipped from its spout and you swiftly placed it on the counter. beside you, another waitress snatched the slip and began preparing the order.

sunlight streamed through the café's large windows, casting a golden hue over the shop, turning it into a cosy retreat.

wooden tables and mismatched chairs added a rustic charm, each piece worn with age and memory. the faint sound of jazz played in the background, the notes weaving through the soft murmur of conversations and the occasional clink of cups and plates. the rich scent of freshly brewed coffee hit your nose, mingling with the sweetness of pastries baking in the kitchen with a hint of cinnamon and vanilla in the air.

it was that fleeting hour when the world seemed to pause, filled with the anticipation of the day ahead; students and professionals alike, a mosaic of sleepy heads, nursing steaming cups of coffee or picking at croissants before heading to their respective destinations.

"one latte," you announced through the hiss of the expresso machines.

behind the counter, shelves were lined with jars of teas and spices, their earthy tones blending with the warm colour palette of the café—deep browns, burnt oranges, and soft creams.

"(y/n)! can you see to the gentleman at table number four! a group of eleven just came in and all ordered the drink of the day!" the waitress with silky, opaque hair chatted to you, rushing behind the counter to pour and froth more beverages.

but this wasn't just any waitress.

she was the thread that held the tapestry of your café together, the core of the place, the one person who could handle the chaos with ease. every order, every table, every hiccup—it all ran smoother because of her— frieda reiss. her presence as manager was both a comfort and a challenge, a constant reminder of the expectations that came with being part of this team, a team you were welcomed into by her half-sister, historia—your best friend.

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IF HAPPY EVER AFTER DID EXIST ; levi ackerman (undergoing editing)Where stories live. Discover now