This Is How We Do It

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Chapter Nine: This Is How We Do It


"Where do you want this?" Cristina asked as she and Meredith carried another table into the room Arizona and Mark had gotten Webber to let them hold Callie's baby shower in.

"What's that for?" Arizona asked.

"Scrapbook station." Mark informed her before looked at the two with the table. "Put it next to that box with the glitter pens."

"Oh, no, no, no." Arizona shook her head. "Don't put it anywhere. We're not having a scrapbook station."

"You heard Callie this morning. She wants us to go all out." Mark reminded the blonde while I just watched them as I went through a box of decorations. "Move the table."

"No, don't move the table." Arizona stopped Meredith and Cristina again. "Mark, this isn't a scrapbook station kind of shower."

"You're wrong." Mark shook his head before looking to Cristina for help. "Yang, tell her. Torres wants all the girlie stuff- games, onesie decorating."

"I have a patient." Cristina spoke up.

"Grey?" Mark looked to Meredith.

"I can't get over the fact that you know what onesie decorating is." Meredith told him.

"I've been boning up." Mark defended himself. "That's what you do for the people you love."

"Oh, bite me, Mark." Arizona shot him a glare.

"Oh, what's going on?" Callie asked as she came into the room, noticing the tension between Mark and Arizona instantly. "Are you guys fighting again?"

"Did you want a scrapbook station?" Arizona asked.

"Oh, yeah. Of course." Callie grinned at the idea. "It's not a real shower if you don't get to take home a scrapbook. Ooh, we should have glitter pens!"

"Watch your ego." I chuckled at the large grin Mark sported, having been proven right. "It might pop."


"His EKG and cardiac enzymes were normal, so a heart attack seems unlikely." Cristina pointed out as she, Teddy, Webber, and I all watched a nurse help our patient, Teddy's husband Henry, onto the CT machine.

"We're doing a CT angio to rule out dissection or aneurysm." I told Teddy.

"Dr. Altman, you okay to stay on the case, considering your personal relationship?" Webber asked.

"Richard, we've been over this." Teddy shook her head. "It's a business arrangement. Nothing more."

"Okay, then." I whispered to myself as Teddy headed out of the room. Not a minute later we watched her walk into the CT room and start talking to Henry as she reconnected his IV.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him.

"Great. Great." Henry smiled at her. "Great. Great, great, great."

"Painkillers finally kicked in, huh?" She chuckled. "Well, enjoy the ride."

"I've been thinking lately, and I think- I, uh, I think I figured it out. And... why all of your dates go so bad. So, so bad. Laughably bad. And it's not your fault." Henry told her. "It's mine, 'cause I'm- I'm not the guy on them with you."

"Did he just..." I trailed off, glancing at Cristina to see the surprised look on her own face.

"We're ready to start." Teddy cleared her throat as she looked back over at the window.

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