Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

Sorry that this isn't a new chapter but I just wanted to give all of you a little update about what's going on and why it's taking longer for me to get updates out right now for all of my stories.

Reason #1: Some of you are aware that I'm a high school teacher in the real world. With everything that has been going on with the COVID pandemic it has made work even more hectic than usual at this point in the school year. Between having my usual curriculum, having to follow new COVID protocols and training at work, and dealing with students going in and out of quarantine I don't think I've had a "normal" work day since February.

Reason #2: If you've read some of my other stories here on Wattpad then you might be aware about my struggles with mental health. Roughly six years ago I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder as well as major depression for which I was put on medication. Well, last year I relocated halfway across the country for work meaning I had to pretty much restart everything in my personal life. Though it wasn't until May that I ran out of medicine at which point I was planning on returning to my hometown for the summer to see family. While there I attempted to get an appointment with my usual doctor for a prescription refill, however, I was unable to do so because of COVID.

So basically, not only have I been struggling to stay caught up on work but I've also been struggling mentally and had a major setback about a week ago.

I'm trying to get back into a routine here on Wattpad with updating stories regularly, but I can't make any promises about getting back to weekly updates. All I ask is to please have patience and know that I'm working on getting news chapters out to you as soon as possible.

I'm excited to keep working with Beth's story! 

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