Put Me In, Coach

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A/N: This chapter is brought to you by my procrastination; keeping me from taking my online final since 12pm this afternoon! XD

Chapter Fifteen: Put Me In, Coach


"Twenty bucks says you strike out." Mark taunted me as I stepped up to the plate, my bat gripped tightly in my hands. Today we were all gathered at the baseball field, practicing for the upcoming softball game between Seattle Grace Mercy West and Seattle Presbyterian. It was my turn to bat. I glanced back over at the dugout, where Mark was manning first base.

"Hear that, baby?" I asked Joel, looking over at where he was in the dugout with Callie and Teddy, having wanted to come watch practice. "He's gonna take us all out for ice cream after practice."

"Nope, you are." Mark shook his head as I turned my attention back to the pitcher's mound. I kept my eyes glued on the ball as Derek pitched it, sending it flying towards me. Without any hesitation, I swung the bat, there being a crack as it came in contact with the ball, sending it towards the outfield.

"Hey!" I heard Cristina and Meredith yell as the ball landed close to where they were laying on the grass, not bothering to participate in the practice, making Alex rush after the ball as I rounded second base.

"That coulda hit us." Meredith pointed out.

"Careful." Cristina added.

"Karev, throw the ball!" Owen yelled at Alex when he stopped to talk to Meredith and Cristina, the ball still in his hands as I reached third base. I could see him throw the ball to Mark who then threw it towards Arizona, who was catcher. She jumped away from the ball as I reached home plate.

"Come on!" Derek yelled as I stopped running, smirking over at Mark.

"Ice cream." I reminded him, earning an eye roll in return.

"Robbins, don't be afraid of it." Owen lectured Arizona as she struggled to pick up the ball, falling down in front of Owen.

"Wait. I- Oh!" Arizona muttered as she pushed herself back up to her feet. "Well, it flew at my head."

"Like that?" I smirked as I walked over to where Mark stood at first base.

"Not bad." He complimented me.

"Don't forget about the ice cream." I smirked as he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine.

"Sloan. Watley." Derek yelled at us, trying to get our attention. "Focus. Hello?"

"Okay." Mark muttered, not pulling away from me.

"Come on, he's right." I pulled away from him, an amused grin filling my lips as I spotted Lexie walking up to the plate, ready to take her turn at bat. "Besides, we have a game to prepare for."

"Tease." He accused me as we both watched Derek pitch the ball to Lexie. Just like I had, she hit the ball of the first try, sending it out to the outfield.

"Yang, Grey, you- You could at least stand up." Owen yelled at his wife and her best friend, both of them still just sitting in the grass, not bothering to help field the ball.

"Hi, honey." Cristina waved.

"Oh, he's gonna kill them." I hummed.

"It's a good thing we're all doctors." Mark joked as my pager went off.

"I gotta go." I told him, seeing that it was a nine-one-one page. "Can you take Joel back home? Ashley, said she'd meet us there after practice."

"Sure." He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before I headed off the field.

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