All You Need Is Love

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Chapter Eighteen: All You Need Is Love


"If you don't quit bouncing, I might have to punch you." I warned Mark as we both waited together in a exam room. I was sitting on the table, waiting for the OB to get here to perform the ultrasound. Despite the fact that I had just had gone the other week, Mark insisted on getting another one to check on the baby. Though I was pretty sure he just wanted to hear the heartbeat, which I couldn't blame him for.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you, too." He chuckled. "By the way, I asked Derek to do the ultrasound today."

"What? Why?" I asked.

"He knows." He shrugged, as if that answered everything. "Come on, I need someone to talk to about all of this."

"I told you that we can tell the others after we tell Joel." I reminded him.

"What about Callie and Arizona?" He tried to bargain. "I mean, they're Sofia's mothers, this baby will be Sofia's sister."

"Brother." I corrected, despite the fact that neither of us knew the baby's sex for certain yet. "And I don't want to risk them saying something in front of Joel before he knows. Okay? It's important that he knows first."

"Technically fifth." He pointed out as the door opened, revealing Derek joining us.

"Morning." He greeted us.

"Morning," I told him as I laid back, letting him adjust the bottom of my scrub top so he could put the ultrasound gel on my stomach. "Sorry about Mark dragging you in here. He seems to have forgotten that you'er a neuro surgeon, not an OB."

"It's fine." Derek chuckled as he put the gel on my stomach, making me jump slightly at the coldness of it. "Sorry."

"You know, you're starting to lag behind." Mark told our friend as Derek started the ultrasound. "You've only got one kid while I've got three."

"It's not a competition, Mark." I rolled my eyes.

"Listen to her, she's smart." Derek nodded in agreement with me as the fluttering sound of the baby's heartbeat filled the room, instantly bringing a smile to my face. "There it is."

"He." I said at the same time Mark said, "She."

"Okay," Derek chuckled. "Well, he/she looks healthy, good and steady heartbeat."

"And it's five weeks?" I asked, wanting to make sure that the OB from the other week had been right about how far along I was.

"Five weeks." He nodded.


"Wow," I let out a low whistle when I saw the ER entrance later that morning, having been paged for an incoming trauma. The door was destroyed with maintenance workers putting up some plastic tarps to try and keep any wind out, random flower arrangements here and there. "What happened?"

"Flower delivery truck crashed through." Webber informed me as I joined him and Lexie just outside the ER to await the ambulance, April walking around to look at the different flowers.

"Kepner, forget the flowers." All three of us looked behind us to see Owen lecturing April, clearly in a sour mood. "Throw them out and get back to work."

"Kepner." Webber spoke up as soon as Owen was gone. "You're not throwing those flowers away?"

"But- But- He-" April stuttered.

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