Bad Blood

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Bad Blood


"Okay, folks. Let's just start." Owen got everyone's attention, having gathered all of us in the second floor lobby. I turned away from my conversation with Arizona to focus on the redheaded surgeon as he stood on the stairs. "As many of you know, Seattle Grace Mercy West has suffered a financial setback. The administration is working hard to keep the impact of that setback as small as possible. To that end, we're gonna have to initiate some cost-cutting measures. The board has hired a physician advisor to help."

"What's a physician advisor?" Meredith asked.

"Well, she consults on maximizing efficiency, streamlining processes, assessing where we can trim our budgets." Owen explained to all of us, making many of us frown at the idea of someone coming in and looking over our shoulders.

"Who to fire and when to fire them?" Bailey muttered loud enough for all of us to hear.

"She's here to advise and to help." Owen insisted, not wanting to worry any of us. "I was hoping to introduce her in person, but she seems to be late."

"Oh, on her first day?" Cristina raised a dark brow. "Not very efficient."

"You can expect to see her in the halls, in your labs, in the OR." Owen spoke over all of our laughter.

"So we're gonna have an accountant following us around the ORs?" Derek frowned.

"She's not an accountant. She is a trained surgeon." Owen shook his head. "Frankly, she is here to try to help us. Thank you for your cooperation."

"I hate this." I groaned, resting my head on the counter. "I feel like everyone's glaring at us, talking about us behind our back."

"They probably are." Arizona said, making me look up at her with raised brows. "What? It's the truth."


"Derek, how's Jimmy?" I asked when I found my friend standing in the hallway, sending Wilson away to do something.

"I'm not sure yet." He admitted. "I'm sending him for some new scans, see if the tumor's progressed during my recovery. Did you need anything?"

"Actually, I was wondering what your opinion is on walking down the aisle with a man." I grinned at the confusion that flooded his eyes.

"Shepherd, Watley, this is Alana Cahill." Owen greeted us before Derek could say a word, introducing the shorter woman by his side. "She is our physician advisor."

"Derek Shepherd." Derek shook her hand.

"Bethany Watley." I offered the woman a small smile as I shook her hand myself.

"Neuro and Peds." Alana nodded, recognizing our names before she focused on Derek. "I saw you're doing an acoustic neuroma. Very exciting."

"First thing tomorrow." Derek nodded.

"Patient's here today." Alana pointed out, glancing between Derek, Owen, and I. "Are pre-op overnight stays typical in all departments?"

"That is a question for chief Hunt." Derek said, his brows furrowing slightly as he met the woman's gaze. "If you'll excuse me, I have to prep."

"Well, I'll see you in the OR tomorrow." Alana called after Derek as he headed down the hall. Her words made him stop and look back at us, clearly not happy with the idea of her being in the OR while he operated.

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