Free Falling

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Chapter Twelve: Free Falling


"Ooh, omelets." I grinned as Mark and I helped ourselves to the breakfast that the hospital had provided us.

"Good morning, and, uh, welcome to your final year of residency." April spoke loud enough for everyone to hear her as she stood on a little step stool. No one really seemed to be paying attention to her as they talked amongst themselves.

"I still don't get how she's chief resident and not you." Mark shook his head.

"Be nice, she earned it." I defended the redhead.

"This- This breakfast in the one time when all the fifth years and the attendings will be in the same room, so... so use your time wisely, residents... Find a mentor... Ask questions, get advice on your futures. And, um, I see you're already chatting away, so that's- that's good. Just carry on."

"I'm gonna go suck up to Arizona." I told Mark.

"Why?" He scoffed. "You and Karev are the only two looking into peds and if it comes down to one of you, you knows she's gonna pick you. You're BFFs."

"Please, never using the term again." I shook my head before I made my way over to where the blonde attending was talking with Alex.

"Alex, this is serious. If you want the peds fellowship next year, you're gonna have to earn it." Arizona told Alex as I approached the two.

"I just brought over a bunch of sick kids from Africa." Alex reminded her.

"Well, did you publish an article about it?" She asked. "Because all the people applying for peds fellowships, they've all been published."

"Watley hasn't." Alex nodded at me.

"Yeah, I have." I informed him. "Arizona helped me publish an article last month about improvements that could be made in the hospital care of premies to give them a better chance of survival."

"Suck up." He shot me a look before turning his attention back to the attending. "You're already getting resumes?"

"Yes, and you're way behind." She warned him. "Listen, I-I hate to kick a guy when he's down, but-"

"Down? Who's down? I'm not down." Alex shook his head.

"Everybody hates you because you nacred on a fellow surgeon." She recalled what had gone down between him and Meredith regarding Derek's clinical trial. "You're a pariah. You're living in the hospital, and you look like a bum and you've... got really bad breath. Really... really bad. Do you need me to go on?"

"No, I'm good." He muttered.

"Oh! Look, here's the chief!" April hurried over to Webber as he entered the room. "Chief, is there, uh, anything you'd like to say as we embark on our final year of residency?"

"You all know what you're doing. Just don't kill anyone." Webber glanced around the room. "Uh, Meredith, can I see you in my office?"


"We're going to the scene of an onsite amputation." Owen informed all of us as we stood outside the ER, Callie trailing behind him. "Woman's trapped under her car. You guys are gonna get swamped with bodies. Kepner, you're in charge till I get back."

"Yes, sir. Have fun." April nodded as Owen and Callie climbed into the back of an ambulance.

"At an amputation?" Callie shook her head.

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