Stupid People...

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I woke to the sound of crying and looked over to see that Nik was in the bed, I got up and for some reason I felt heavy, looking down I noticed that one I looked pregnant as I had a small bump which I couldn't wait to show Nik and two I could hear fighting, getting out of the bedroom I walked down the hall to bump in to Damon and have him grab me and smirk, "let's see your family get you out of this" he said and injected me with something that made me black out.

I woke to the sun on my face and I looked around to see that I was tied to a chair and had Caroline looking at me, I growled at her and noticed that she took a step back and shook her head; "it wasn't my idea" was all she said to me.

I went to reply when she walked out and Damon walked into the room and smiled at me, "so then Annie, I have some questions that I want you to answer for me" Damon said to me.

I looked at him and laughed, "I am not telling you shit" I snapped at him.

"Come on some brother sister bonding" he said to me.

I looked at him and laughed at him, "brother sister bonding, funny this seems more like you're going to try and hurt me to get what you want" I snapped at him.

He smiled and nodded, "you see you're not my sister anymore, all you are is a shell that looks like her" he said to me.

I looked at him and laughed, "Says the guy who still pines after Katherine, I mean at least the original one was nice" I said to him.

Damon smiled at me and shook his head, "well at least she isn't a slut, I mean a child out of wedlock" he said to me.

I smiled back at him and pulled my arms free from the bindings and laughed as he back away from me, "let me tell you something about me that you don't know, so when Nik bite me and I turned into a vampire, I was a sire or linked to a bloodline you see I became an original vampire just like my husband, but because my parents have a witch gene and a werewolf gene I was able to keep that side and become one of the very first tribrid creatures, vampire, werewolf and witch all in one. But you see the one thing you don't want to do is piss me off which you have done, so now I am going to do the one thing that your never be able to reverse" I said and disappeared from him.

I could hear Damon shouting for me and I walked into the study of the boarding house to see that Matt, Tyler, Ric, Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena were all sat waiting for the outcome to this. "How in the hell did she get free, isn't she like Damon a vampire that has been bite a few times" Matt said.

I laughed and sat down, "wrong, me I'm an original vampire just like my husband and family" I explained to them.

"What are you going to do to us" Caroline said to me.

I looked over to her and smiled, "you nothing, my sister likes you and she seems to have a soft spot for you, so you I will leave alone, plus I know that Kol says hi" I said to her smiling.

I heard a scoff and I turned to see Elena looking at her, "Care they are the bad ones, they took Stefan" she said.

I looked over and crossed my arms, "what do you care about nik and I's son" I snapped.

"Oh get over it, he is not your son" Elena snapped at me.

"He is Elena, I lied to her my whole life" Damon said appearing next to her and hiding her behind him.

I smiled and crossed my arms, "how touching, your trying to protect her" I said.

He nodded and I walked over to Damon and grabbed him by his neck and threw him against the wall and held my hand out keeping him there, I turned to Elena and smirked as she crossed her arms in front of me, "I'm not scared of you, there is nothing you can do to make me scared of you" she said to me.

I looked over to her and smiled, "okay if you're sure" I said to her and walked over to Jeremy and smiled, I looked into his eyes and made sure that he was compelled, "you do not have a clue who Elena Gilbert is, you do not see her, or talk to her. To you, you where an only child and never have had a sister" I said and stood away to have Elena run over to him.

"Who the hell are you" he said and turned to Bonnie, "bon bon" he said walking over to her and taking her hand.

I smirked and turned to Elena and smiled, "nothing hey" I said and turned to Damon, "next time, it will be worst and trust me when I say she will be alone in the world" I snapped and sped out of the boarding house and to the mansion where I could hear Nik going mad.

I appeared in his arms and smiled as he looked down, "are you okay, I thought that you went missing again" Nik said to me.

I heard the door open and Mary and john ran over to me and wrapped their arms around me, "are you okay" they asked at the same time.

I smiled and nodded, "yeah I am fine, my stupid brother was being an idiot, trust me he won't be around anytime soon" I said smirking at them.

"What did you do" Kol asked me.

I smiled and crossed my arms, "my brother tries to kill me so I made it out as Jeremy never had a sister" I said shrugging my shoulders.

I heard a snort and turned to see Dean and Nik laughing and I knew that these two would get along like anything; I turned to my parents and noticed that they were trying not to laugh.

I smiled and shrugged, "I have a temper" I said.

"That wasn't very nice Anna-Beth" Elijah said to me.

I looked over to him and laughed, "She deserved it" I said crossing my arms.

He nodded and I knew that he would drop it, "well then, it seems like there is something else new as well" Bekah said.

I looked over to her and frowned, "what" I asked.

"You have a bump, I can now see my twin's niece or nephew" she said to me.

I forgot about that and nodded as I looked down and saw the small bump and rubbed it, "looks like this is becoming more and more real now" Nik said and bent down kissing the bump.

I smiled and turned to my parents, "ready for more grandchildren" I asked.

They nodded and I knew then that this was going to be a full couple of months.

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