Meeting Jim

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I watched as John walked back over to me and the kids and opened the back door to the car and watched as he un-clipped Annie from the car seat and smiled at me, I smiled back and got out of the passengers side and grabbed Klaus, I placed him down to the floor and smiled as he took my hand and noticed that someone was staring at us, "who is he Mary" klaus asked me. 

I smiled as I looked down, "this is a friend of John's and I, he is going to provide a safe place for us to stay and find a way to turn you and Annie back" I explained.

Klaus nodded and I noticed that he looked worried, "your brothers and sister are on the way, I spoke to Sam as I am sure that you are aware and I know that they aren't far behind" I explained to him.

Klaus smiled and we walked over to Jim and I smiled, "Hey Jim" I said to him.

Jim smiled and walked over to John and tickled my daughter who did not look pleased, I laughed and noticed that he walked over to me and bent down, "Good afternoon, my name is Jim and this is my house" Jim said to Klaus.

Klaus smiled and nodded, "Niklaus, but people call me Klaus" he said to Jim.

Jim smiled and stood to a side where we walked into the main room and I noticed that Jim was cooking, "looks like we can have some food soon, do you want to go and play with Annie" I asked him.

Klaus scowled at me and I smirked, "go on, I will call you when dinner is done" I said and patted his bum as he walked away.

I shook my head and sat down as Jim walked over to me, "what happened, because I can see that Klaus is an adult in a child's body, I believe that it is the same for Annie" he asked me.

I nodded and turned to him, "I cannot reverse this, I don't have the magic like Annie or the other witch that changed them into this" I said sighing.

Jim looked at me and smiled, "Mary you have magic in you and can do this, I think that you need to practice some more" Jim said to me.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "thank you" I said and got up.

I walked into the living room and walked over to my daughter and son in law and smiled, "Hey you two" I said looking at them.

Annie was chewing on a block and Klaus was playing with the Lego, "Mary can I have a drink please" he asked.

I smiled and noticed that John had passed Klaus a child-proof cup and smiled, "it wont spill if you knock it over bud" John said to him.

Klaus frowned and I knew that he was finding this hard being in the body of a child, "does Annie keep her grimoire as I want to see if I can work on reversing this" I said to him.

Klaus smiled and walked over to Annie and grabbed her hand, I watched as he waved her hand and I saw a large brown book, "thank you" I said and turned to my daughter, "I promise that I will give it back" I said to her.

she nodded and crawled over to Klaus and smiled, "Nik" she said and cuddled down in his lap and closed her eyes.

I smiled and turned to John, "I am going to work on getting this reversed, as I have a feeling that a tantrum is coming and with two children that have witch and werewolf in them it isn't going to go well" I said.

John smiled and kissed my head, "I am sure that I can deal with them" he said to me.

I laughed as I walked out of the room and went to the bedroom to try and look for a way to reverse this. I looked down to the book and smiled as it looked like she had wrote this, I opened the book and noticed that it was from Niklaus, I smiled as for the first time I realised that he really did love my daughter for who she was not just her power. I flipped through the pages as I was sure that this book would have something that could turn them back.

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