Trying to move on with new Family...

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I woke up and was really hot, I looked over to my side and noticed that Matthew had crawled into bed with us and was red. Frowning I placed my hand on his head and shook my head, he was hot and I couldn't understand how, vampires didn't get sick, "Mattie" I said.

Matthew looked up and I noticed that he wasn't well at all, he had rosy cheeks and he looked like he didn't get any sleep at all, "I don't feel good" he said to me.

I ran my hand through his hair and noticed that Nik was awake and looked over, "is he alright" Nik asked.

I shook my head watched as Nik turned Matt over and frowned, "you shouldn't be getting ill buddy, your immune system isn't working for you to get ill" Nik said.

I looked to him and waved my hand over him, he sat up and I grabbed the bin in time for him to puke, "what the hell, Nik he isn't human" I said to him.

Nik nodded and I opened my arms for Matt to burrow into, "I might have to speak to Damon, I cannot remember him getting ill lately, and maybe Damon would be able to tell me if he had" I said.

Nik nodded and turned to me, "I'll go and speak to your mother, she might know what happened, also my family might have some ideas" Nik said to me.

I nodded and watched as he turned to Matt and kissed his head, "stay with your mother" he said to him.

Matt nodded and I pulled myself up and smiled as Matt moaned at me, "hey come on, I'm only sitting up baby" I said and smiled as he nuzzled back down in my side.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Damon's number; "Annie" Damon said to me.

I smiled into the phone, "yeah little brother, look I'm calling because of Matthew" I explained.

"He isn't hear, I can go look for him if you wish" Damon said to me.

I laughed, "No Damon he is with me, but he is ill and I cannot for the life of me think why, he isn't human Day" I said.

I heard Damon sigh down the phone, "it is something that happens, but I cannot think why. Last time we was with Elena and well she didn't let me know and he got worst. I think that it might have something to do with the asthma he had as a child" Damon said to me.

I frowned and looked down to my son, "I don't remember him having asthma" I said.

Damon laughed, "Annie, now offence but you didn't really pay much attention to him when you believe he was Stefan. Before you yell down the phone at me, just grab some inhalers and he will need to be in bed for a couple of days" Damon said to me.

I sighed as I looked to my son, "I really did ruin him didn't I" I said to Damon.

"Annie no you didn't, where is he now" Damon asked me.

I smiled, "cuddled down into me" I said.

Damon laughed, "If you remember when he was ill as a child, he would never go to our mother or father, where would he go" Damon asked me.

I smiled, "to me, deep down he always knew" I asked.

"Yeah I think he did, plus I might have told him when I was drunk one night, as I felt guilty" Damon said to me.

I laughed and shook my head, "idiot" I said to him.

Damon snorted, "I miss you sis, please tell me that you are going to come home soon" he said to me.

I smiled, "soon little brother" I said and put the phone down.

I smiled as I looked down to my son and ran my hands through his hair, I gently pulled myself from his grip and pulled the covers over him and smiled as he wiggled down, I walked down stairs and noticed that Elijah and Dean were looking through books and I leant against the door frame, "it's a childhood illness that hasn't left him" I explained making them look to me.

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