A Side that is pushing to come out...

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I looked over to Elena and waved my hand making the barrier go and sped over to her, "what do you want" she snapped at me.

I looked at her and smiled, "remember that I have just let you go, so show me some respect" I snapped at her.

She laughed and I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me, "be careful Elena I am not in the mood for your petty drama today. I don't have time for you so be happy that I am letting you go" I said to her.

She looked at me and nodded, "thank you" she said to me.

I nodded and let her go and turned around looking around the room for my son, not seeing him around I walked over to Rebekah and smiled, "have you seen Matthew bekah, I cannot find him" I asked my sister.

Rebekah shook her head and I nodded as I walked out of the room we all wherein and up the stairs to try his bedroom, I walked past the nursery that we had been doing for the twins and noticed that Matthew was in there and sat on the floor looking at a small blue baby blanket that had his name on, "Matthew" I said walking into the room.

He looked up and smiled, "hey mama" he said to me.

I smiled at him as I walked over to him sitting down on the floor next to him and pulled him into my arms, "come tell mama what's wrong" I said to him.

He shook his head and I gently pulled his face so he was looking at me, "Matthew please speak to me, I don't like it when you're not talking to anyone" I said to him.

He looked at me and I noticed that he had tears in his eyes, "you and papa are not going to want me around when the twins come, I mean look at me I'm an adult. Not the child you wanted" he said to me.

I looked at him and was shocked at what he was saying, I smiled, "your wrong baby, mama and papa will always want you around weather you are one or 17. I understand that when you believed I was your sister I was a bitch and that is something that I can never take back and trust me when I say I wish I could, but you my boy are always wanted. My mama and papa and even your grandparents, uncles and your aunt" I said to him and rocked him as he curled up to me and closed his eyes.

I looked down and noticed that he was asleep with the blanket balled in his hand, smiling I got up gently and leant down as I picked him up and carried him into his room, I pulled a cover over his body and kissed his head. I walked out of the room and closed the door making sure that I didn't wake him and leant against the door, I don't know how it came over me but I was pissed because I missed out on so much with Matthew and I knew the person I was pissed with. I sped downstairs and grabbed Lillian by her neck and threw her into the wall and watched as everyone looked at me, "what was that for Anna-Beth" she snapped at me.

I looked at her and couldn't believe the rage I was feeling, this was something new for me as it wasn't like me to lose my temper. "It's all your fault he is upset, my son thinks that I'm going to make him leave when I have the twins" I snapped at her.

She smirked at me and I couldn't help it, I pinned her to the wall and growled, "You took my son from me and made me forget my husband. You took my sons childhood from him, made him believe that his mother was his sister and made him think that he was worthless to me, I going to make you wish that you never agreed to take me when they couldn't look after me" I snapped at her.

I noticed that Finn, Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, Nik, Sam, Dean, Mary and John were stood there and looked worried about me, but at this moment in time I couldn't care, I walked over to the ascendant that was on the table and picked it up as I walked back over to Lillian and muttered Latin at it as I threw it to the ground in front of her, I watched as it went up in flames and looked at her, "you took my son from us and decided that you would raise him as your own, you made me feel like I was a horrible person because of the shit I put him through and then you go and put me in an insane asylum for it." I growled at her and noticed that she was more interested in the know burnt ascendant, "so let me tell you something mother, you're never going to see your family ever again, and you are not welcome around my son, my twins and my brother. I hear you went near Damon and I promise that I will bite you and no one will cure you" I snapped and turned her smirking, "I hope that it breaks you inside as it did me to think that your child was dead, the only difference is that your family now is" I snapped and turned around.

"We never loved you" she said to me trying to upset me.

I turned back to her and let my eyes turn yellow as I was going to bite her and make her wish she had died when I was human, I smirked as she back up into the wall and I knew that she was scared of me, "ALEXANDRA" Nik Shouted at me

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I turned back to her and let my eyes turn yellow as I was going to bite her and make her wish she had died when I was human, I smirked as she back up into the wall and I knew that she was scared of me, "ALEXANDRA" Nik Shouted at me.

I was shocked he used that name and I turned to him, "stop before you do something you're going to regret" he said to me.

I frowned and looked at him, "what makes you think that I'm going to regret it" I asked.

"Because as much as you can scare people, you're not me" he said to me.

I looked at him and shook my head, "your nothing like me" I said more to myself and looked around, and I didn't know what came across me. "That sweetheart is your emotions taking control of you. That is what being a wolf is like" Dad said to me.

I felt the tears come to my eyes and Nik walked over to me and smiled as he looked down to me, "remind me never to piss you off" he said to me as he was trying to make me laugh.

I laughed and nodded as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head, "were going to be okay and Matthew will be okay as well, I promise you" Nik said to me.

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