Trip to blue earth

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We decided that we would have the kids in the biggest car we had as we knew that Annie and Klaus would not be happy in a small car and well it had taken 20 minutes to get them both in the car seats.


"Klaus you need to sit in one, if you don't and we get pulled over the CPS will be involved and we don't really want that do we" I tried to explain to him.

Klaus looked up to me and frowned, "I'm not a child" he growled at me.

I couldn't help the smile at came to my face as he was just to cute like this, "look I had the same conversation with my daughter and well I won, so this can be done the easy way or the hard way I don't mind" I explained.

Klaus smirked and I picked him up and put him in the car seat as he was kicking and screaming, "you either stop this right now or you and my hand are going to have a conversation young man. I understand you don't like this and I know that I am not your mother but at the moment you need to be looked after and I will be that person, one more tantrum and your be treated the age you look" I snapped at him. 

He nodded with tears in his eyes and let me strap him in, I smiled as I finished and bent down kissing his head, "thank you baby" I said and closed the door as I got in the front with my husband.


I looked back to them and smiled as Annie was fast asleep with her thumb in her mouth which I knew I needed to get out, reaching down to the bag of supplies we got I pulled out a pink I love mummy dummy and put it in her mouth and smiled as she sucked as fell back to sleep, "Mary" a small voice said to me.

I turned to the other direction and smiled as klaus was looking at me, "I'm sorry i threw a tantrum at you and thank you for looking after us" he said to me.

I smiled and grabbed a juice box and some animal crackers and passed them to him. "Here you go buddy and that is fine, thank you for apologising to me" I said to him and watched as he went to eating the crackers.

I felt the car start to slow down and turned to my husband, "were nearly here, I will go and speak to Jim you know what he's like as he doesn't like strangers at his door" John said to me.

I nodded and watched as John turned into a small house and got out of the car. Pulling out my phone I dialled my youngest son, "mum" Sam said to me.

"Hey Sammy, Annie is asleep and klaus is eating. Let them all know for me" I said and put the phone down.


Sorry for the long time to update this I have had writers block and also had a baby so finding the time to write has come a bit hard but I will keep updating for you :)

Hope you have enjoyed this chapter and sorry it's short

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