Spending time together...

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I smiled as mum nodded and I turned around walking out of the living room to the bedroom where I saw Nik putting Matthew down who was holding on his father with a vice grip, "Mattie come on, you need to sleep" I heard Nik said to our son.

I saw Matthew shake his head and I smiled as I walked in and placed my hand on his back and smiled as he looked to me, "now what is this all about, you normally like your sleep" I asked.

Matthew looked to me and I could see the tears in his eyes and I knew that these past couple of months, I smiled and looked to him, "do you want to sleep with daddy and I" I asked him.

He nodded and I looked over to Nik, "come on, bring him with us" I said to him.

Nik nodded and turned to Matthew, "your making me look like a softie here little one" Nik said to him.

Matthew giggled and I grabbed a blanket from his room and we walked into our room where Matthew was still in his father's arms, I passed the blanket over to him and climbed into the other side. "Right then little one, let's go to sleep" I said to them both.

-x-x-x next morning x-x-x-

I woke up to a small hand on my cheek, I looked over to see that Matthew had in fact climbed on his father during the night and was now laid over him with his hand on my cheek, I kissed his hand and gently moved it from myself getting up I grabbed my phone and quickly took a picture smiling as Nik was the cute one in this, I chuckled and walked over to the bathroom and closed the door so I could take a shower in peace for a change. I waved my hand over the shower and smiled as it turned on and turned back to the mirror, I smirked at the reflection as my hair was a mess and I looked like I was getting bigger placing my hands down on my stomach I smiled as I felt them kick me, "looks like you two are active this morning" I said to myself.

I chuckled and I got my clothes off and got into the shower, I washed myself off and quickly stepped out of the shower and got dressed into a plain white dress and some sandals as it looked really hot outside, I moaned as I walked out of bathroom and smiled as they were still asleep. I walked into the kitchen to see that Sam was sat there with Damon of all people, "Day what are you doing here" I asked.

Damon looked to me and smiled, "Elena came back to the boarding house ranting that you are a mean bitch who yelled at her, didn't want to listen to her" Damon said to me.

I smirked and sat down next to him and pinched his cup of coffee, "you shouldn't be drinking coffee sis" Dean said to me as he walked into the room.

I smiled and downed the rest of the cup and laughed, "Drank it now" I said and noticed that he was looking at Damon.

Dean turned his attention to me and frowned, "why is he here, I know that he saved you but I thought you didn't get along" Dean said to me.

Before I could answer Damon stood and looked over to him, "she is my sister and I am here because I want to see her, do you have a problem with that" Damon snarled.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him back down, "calm down Damon, this is Dean my brother from my birth parents" I explained.

Damon nodded and turned to me, "try to keep him away from me, I meant what I said Annie I want to be part of my nephews and the twins lives. Plus he is only human" Damon snarled.

"Damon Salvatore you will apologise right this moment" I snapped.

Damon looked over to me and smiled, "sorry sis, not this time" he said to me and walked out the back to where everyone else was.

I growled and turned to Dean, "give me five minutes little brother" I said and turned around to follow my brother out the back.

I walked over to him and grabbed a hold, "just because we have been together for longer doesn't give you the right to be a dick, how many times do you need to be told that I prefer the nice Damon the Damon that isn't a DICK" I snapped.

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