Rest of the Gang...

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Sam's POV

I looked back to the others and noticed that they were all quite, I turned to Matthew and smiled, "Matt you okay" I asked him.

Matthew smiled and nodded, "yeah its just weird that my mother and father are children and well I have lost everything again" Matthew said to me.

I looked to him and smiled, "Matthew listen to me buddy, you haven't lost your parents they are in there but at the moment they need the protecting. that doesn't mean that we wont protect you because you are family as well to us, I understand that you have your aunts and uncles on your fathers side and then there Damon, but you also have Dean and I and our parents who will love you so much. please give us a chance buddy" I said to him.

Matthew smiled and nodded, "okay then, thanks" he said to me and went to using his magic to make things float.

I laughed and turned to Dean and noticed that he was pulling into the car park, "let me do the talking" I said to the others.

they all nodded and I walked over to Jim and smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and then did the same to Dean, "Jim, I would like you to meet, Elijah, Kol, Finn, Rebekah and then this is Matthew, he is the eldest son of Annie and Klaus" I explained.

Jim looked confused and Matthew laughed, "its a long story that I am sure they will want to tell you" Matthew said and looked to me, "I'm going to find my parents" he said shaking his head.

I laughed and turned to Jim, "so have you meet them yet" I asked.

Jim smiled and nodded, "yeah she is very quite but Klaus does question us all" Jim said.

Elijah smirked and walked over, "well I did raise us all with manners, so please would you invite us into the house please" Elijah said.

Jim smiled, "of course, and it is nice to see young adults with manners, please come into the house, dinner will be ready soon" Jim said and turned around as he walked back into the house.

I smiled as Kol walked over to me and smiled, "so where are my brother and sister" Kol asked.

I shrugged, "no idea, I believe that they should be with my mother and father, try the living room" I explained and walked into the church as Dean wondered in there.

"De" I asked.

Dean turned to me and smiled, "sorry I just realised that well we missed so much of her life and she has them, I'm just worried that she isn't going to need us anymore" Dean said.

I smiled as this was a rare sight, Dean was not the type to show his feeling. I walked over to him and smiled as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "she loves us Dean and you know that, I am sure that once she comes back to her normal age she will tell you this herself" I explained to my brother.

Dean smirked and patted my head, "thanks little brother" Dean said and I watched as he walked out of the church, I sat back and decided that I would try and think of some plans to help get them back to normal.

Dean's POV

I walked out of the church and smiled, I normally wasn't the type of person to talk about my feelings and I was sure that Sam was happy that I opened up. I walked into the house and noticed that Elijah and the rest were sat down in a circle with Klaus asleep on Finn's lap, I smiled as I noticed that he was looking at me, "where is your mother, I haven't seen her" Finn asked me.

I nodded and turned around, I noticed that I could hear the creaking upstairs and turned to Finn, "upstairs by the sound of it, I believe she might be looking through something" I said to them.

Kol looked to me and smiled, "I am sure that they will get them back to normal and then I can get to see the monthly fight between them. I will admit I do miss them screaming at each other" Rebekah said.

I looked confused and she turned to me, "that fight that you heard was only small, trust me they can go for it with each other" Rebekah said.

I laughed and sat down, "she must take after our mother, when her and dad fight normally she has to take a walk because she threatens to kill him" I explained.

Finn snorted and turned to me, "I believe Annie uses her magic on Nik which makes him mad, he bites her and she uses more magic then it goes in circles for a while until one of them gives which is normally Nik because he doesn't like to upset her" Finn said.

I smiled and turned to Elijah, "I take it Matthew is like his mother" I asked.

Elijah smirked, "thank god no, he has his fathers temper which is a good thing, I think if there was two people with that temper our house wouldn't be standing" Elijah said smiling.

I nodded and noticed that dad walked in with Annie who was asleep in his arms and he was grinning, "your mother has pictures" he said to me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to him, "she is going to kill you dad, you know she doesn't like pictures" I said.

dad just smirked and turned to me, "well Jim told me to say that dinner is nearly done, would you like to eat in here or with us" dad asked.

I got up and walked into the kitchen and smiled when they walked in and Kol was next to me, "we can be social, believe it or not but it is Nik and Annie that isn't the social ones" Kol said to me.

I snorted and turned to him, "come on they have to be social, mum and dad said that they were quite social in the diner that they met them at" I explained.

dad snorted and turned to me, "yeah she wasn't, I believe that if Matty here didn't drop his toy Mary wouldn't have gone over to her" dad explained.

I nodded and noticed that Klaus was awake and I looked down to him, "why do people call you different things, your brothers and sister call you Nik and then the rest of us call you Klaus" I asked.

he looked to me and smiled, "you started to call me Klaus, you can call me Nik as were family" Nik said to me.

I smiled and nodded, "thank you Nik" I said and went to eat the rest of my dinner when my mother ran into the room, "I have found the reversal" she said.

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