Scare on the way...

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I cuddled down into my husband and smiled as Nik wrapped his arm tighter around me, I heard as our family came back and there was someone running down the stairs which Nik and I knew was Mattie and smiled as she ran for us and grinned, "Mama, Papa" he said and Nik picked him up throwing him in the air, "did you have some fun out with your aunt and uncles" Nik asked and Mattie smiled, "yeah, Uncle Finn took me to see uncle Damon" Mattie said and I smiled, "that was nice of him" I said and Mattie yawned, "come on little one, lets get your bathed and then put to bed" I said to him and he nodded as he raised his arms.

I chuckled and walked up the stairs when I felt something strange and almost dropped Matthew if it wasn't for Kol grabbing him and Nik looked to me, "Beth" he asked and I looked to him, "I don't feel right" I said and felt as the blackness came.

Nik's POV

I looked down and noticed that my wife almost dropped our son and I sped over catching her as Kol grabbed Mattie, "Beth" I asked and she looked to me and I could see there that she was not well and something was wrong, "I don't feel right" she said to me and I caught her as she blacked out, "Beth" I said gently shaking her, I looked to my mother in law and noticed that she was chanting and turned to me, "get her in the car now Niklaus" Mary said to me and I turned to Dean, "you need to call Damon" I asked and Dean looked to me, "he is still her brother, plus I need Alaric as his wife works for the hospital" I explained and he nodded, "alright" he said and went to making that call, I walked out to the car and got in with my wife as Mary drove to the hospital to see what was wrong with my wife.

I got out of the car and grabbed my wife walking into the hospital where Sam came out and smiled at me, "come with me, Ric called and explained that you were coming" she said to me and I nodded, "what happened" she asked me and I could tell she was scared of me which did make me smirked, "I don't know, she was putting our son Matthew to bed as he was tried as she stopped which made us all look to her, she dropped our son which my brother caught him and she said that she didn't feel right, she blacked out after that" I said and looked to her, "please tell me that she is okay" I asked and she smiled, "come on let me see if there is anything that I can do" she said to me and I nodded.

I placed her down on the bed and noticed that Damon was here and he looked to me, "Nik please tell me that she is alright" he asked and I looked to him, "I don't know, Sam is looking into it now" I said to him and he nodded, "how far along is she" Sam asked me and I snapped my head to her, "6 months" I said and she nodded, "well your twins are fine and it is them doing this to her, they are magical and are using their magic" Sam explained to me and I snapped my head to her, "Magic" I asked and she smiled, "looks like they take after their mother" she said to me and I kept my mouth shut that they are like me as well. I nodded and looked to her, "will she wake up" I asked and she smiled, "she should" she said to me and looked to me, "make sure that she doesn't do anything that is going to make her pass out" she said to me and I nodded as she walked out.

I sighed as I walked over to my wife and grabbed her hand, "this has happened to much this year" Damon said and I looked to him and smirked, "well it is nice not to have you being an issue for us" I said and he smiled, "yeah Finn said that same, he is a really quiet person" Damon said to me and I laughed as I looked to him, "he isn't quiet, he just doesn't like you" I explained and he looked to me, "oh" he said and I smirked as he looked to me, "so I need your help with something" Damon said to me and I looked to him, "depends on what it is" I said to him and he smiled, "so as you are aware Annie's birthday is coming up and well I was thinking of doing a dinner for her" Damon said to me and I looked to him, "that's right you can cook" I said and he smiled, "well I was thinking that growing up she always loved Lasagne and well I have the way that it used to be made, so would you help" he asked me and I looked to him, "this is killing you isn't it" I asked and he smirked, "yeah but you are family" he said to me.

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