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I woke up in a room that I noticed would be the twins nursery and to be really honest my chest was really hurting, I sat up and went to put my hands to my head as it was a bit sore but they went to my stomach instead, looking down as I wanted to make sure that I would see my twins still. I heard a sigh and turned around to see Nik was looking at me with his arms crossed and he really looked pissed at me. I smiled at him and watched as he shook his head at me, "what were you thinking Anna-Beth, you could have died for real" Nik snapped at me.

I looked over to him and shook my head, "yeah well she deserved it as she pissed me off" I said crossing my arms.

Nik looked over to me and shook his head "so what you try to get her to kill you, Beth you could have harmed the twins or Matthew if she was in the same room, and if it wasn't for you mother, they would be dead" Nik yelled as he walked over to me.

I looked at him and couldn't help but scoff at him, "and your telling me that you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were in my shoes, if she wasn't trying to kill you or worst put you in a prison world" I said putting my hands on my hips.

Nik looked at me and snorted, "No not if it would harm our children, Jesus Beth you could have died" Nik shouted.

I looked at him in shock as he was really trying to make me feel guilt about this, I walked forward as I pushed him into the wall, holding him there with my magic to make sure that he wasn't going to move as he had pissed me off, "yeah and what about the countless times I have watched you do these things, I mean there have been 6 times you pretended to die, twice you have been in different bodies as you didn't want to let anyone know you were still alive and throughout it all I have always stayed by your side, never left your side unless we have been arguing, which I always come back to you anyway and I have never questioned you or yelled at you when you did something stupid. So what that she pushed my buttons and maybe I should have kept a cool held but I didn't, I snapped and taunted her" I snapped as I crossed my arms.

"You're not me" Nik shouted at me.

I snapped my head over to him and laughed, "Fuck you Klaus, I have as much of a right to be pissed so get the fuck out" I screamed at him and threw him out.

I was pissed at him he had no right to be the asshole who he was being now and yes I knew what I was doing was wrong and that I shouldn't have done that, but I didn't need Nik pointing out I did wrong. I slammed the door and smirked as Nik stormed down the stairs muttering about stupid wives.

Nik's POV

I couldn't believe that Beth was reacting this way she was acting like a child and she wouldn't listen to me and I couldn't believe that she used her magic on me; she had never done that to me. She would always threaten me with it, but it was something that she shouldn't have done. I frowned as I got up from the floor and brushed myself off, I walked down the stairs into the kitchen to see that everyone was staring at me and Matthew looked upset, "dad" Matthew said to me.

I smiled as I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder, "she's fine" I said and sat down on the bench next to him and noticed that Elijah was walking over to me, "be nice Nik, she is hurting, and I don't blame her, Elena was a bitch to her" Elijah said to me.

I looked over to him and shook my head, "she used her magic on me, she would always threaten me with it but never did it, and it was mean" I said to him.

Finn walked over to me and slapped me across the head, "don't whine like a child, I'm sure it didn't hurt too much" Finn said to me.

I looked over to them and smirked, "well she started it, she's a real bitch when she wants to be" I said.

"Just like you then little brother" Finn said smirking at me.

I heard a snort and noticed that Matthew was laughing at me, I smirked and looked over to him, and "oh you think this is funny do you" I asked.

He smiled and nodded, "of course, dad you have met your match" Matthew said to me and smirked as he walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "but remember that mum is the scarier one of you both" Matthew said and chuckled and he walked away.

I snorted and turned around to face him, "you not too old for a slap son" I said and turned back to my mother and father in law and smiled, "she will be fine, this isn't the first time she has lashed out" I explained.

John and Mary smiled and walked over to me, "I'm sure that she will be okay, if she is anything like her father she will be annoyed for a few days but will come back to us" Mary said to me.

I nodded and chuckled, "she's only ever been really annoyed at me and not spoken to me once which was for 8 weeks, it was hell for me" I explained.

They chuckled and I smiled as this was the first time that I knew that we all would be okay. I looked up and smirked as Beth was speaking to Matthew, I smiled and turned to Mary and nodded, "well looks like you stuck with this crazy family" I said to them and smiled as she nodded and wrapped her arms around me.

Beth's POV

I remember back to when Nik had taken on the body of Ric and as pissed as I was I never got pissed at him and I realised that I was overreacting and I sighed as I looked into the mirror, I heard a knock on the door and turned around smiling, "come in Matthew" I said to my son.

Matthew walked into the room and smiled as me as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in, "I'm glad you're okay mum, I was worried about you" he said to me.

I smiled and laughed, "buddy I okay, I shouldn't have made Elena mad enough to kill me" I said to him.

He laughed and nodded, "well if it makes you feel better uncle Damon killed her when he saw her push the wood into you, he snapped her neck" Matthew said to me.

I looked over to him and he laughed, "Yep she came back as a vampire" he said to me.

I snorted, "This I have to see" I said.

Matthew and I got up and walked out of the room and down stairs where I saw Nik and the anger came back, "I'm going to see Damon" I snapped and sped out of the room to the boarding house.

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