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I walked out of the kitchen with a sandwich in my hand and sat in the study while Damon was trying to find something around the bookcases but it was something that he still wouldn't tell me what, "Day come on, please tell me what you're looking for" I asked.

Damon turned around and smirked at me as he shook his head, "you're going to find out sooner or later sister, so please leave it alone but I do believe that we have something to do to get us home" Damon said and turned to me holding the ascendant up.

I smiled and got up walking over to him and taking the ascendant from him, "okay then, but I will find out what you're trying to find here" I said pointing at him and smirking.

We walked out of the study and into the sitting room and I waved my hand at the fireplace and smiled as it lit and I turned to Damon, "we just need to wait for bonnie to do what is needed, I have put our blood on it already so we need to keep it in our hands" I explained to him.

Damon nodded and I sat down next to him when I felt it, a pain coming from the bottom of my stomach. I dropped the ascendant which Damon caught and he looked at me, "Annie" he said grabbing me before I blacked out.

Damon's POV

I looked down to my sister in my arms and panicked there was nothing or no one here and I didn't know what to do, knowing that I needed some help, I put the ascendant in my coat pocket and picked my sister up and speeding into the house that I knew my mother would be at, "help me please" I begged our mother.

She looked over to me and nodded; "of course" she said and walked over to me.

She looked down to my sister and I noticed that she looked like she was going to do something that I did not like, hearing a ticking noise I noticed that she looked up to me and smirked, "looks like your sister is getting you home, but thing is that she isn't your sister. So I think that you need to choose your real family Damon your mother" she said and grabbed my sister by her neck, I grabbed a hold of my sister and she was holding on to her as well.

I felt a burning sensation and looked up to see that her family where awake, "you won't win" I growled and saw a bright light appear and then noticed that we were in the Mikealson house but I wasn't alone, my mother was still trying to strangle my sister. I threw her into the wall and turned to her, "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE" I shouted at her and noticed that Nik appeared next to me and bent down, "I have to take her to a hospital, Mary do you mind making it out as we are human and come with us" Nik asked.

She nodded and I turned around to face them, "please let me come with you, I need to know that she is okay" I said.

Nik's POV

Kol, Finn and I turned up to the boarding house and I noticed that there was a protection spell around the house and turned to Finn, "looks like where going to have to do this the hard way then doesn't it" I said to them.

Finn nodded and Kol was smirking, "looks like we're going to have some fun" Kol said.

We walked up to the door and I knocked on it waiting for Elena or Ric to answer the door, the door opened and Ric stood there looking shocked, "um... what can I do for you gentlemen" Ric asked.

I smirked, "being pleasant" I said and looked over to him, "I want to speak to Elena, I believe she owes me that much" I said to him.

"I owe you shit" she snapped as she hid behind Ric.

I heard a chuckle and turned to see that Finn was stood there leaning against the pole on the front, "you act like you're a bitch and you hide behind your history teacher, I think that you need to learn a thing or two from my sister, at least Beth can be a bitch and pull it off" Finn said laughing.

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