Friends... (sort of)

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Damon and I had been with our mother for a couple of hours and to be honest I was really bored and wanted to know more about these people in the coffins, it was like that Nik did to our family. I walked over to them and smiled as she looked up to me, "it is good to see you my daughter" she said to me.

I looked at her and laughed as I leaned against the table in the room, I looked over to see that Damon was shaking his head, "don't sis" Damon said to me and I chuckled as I turned to face Lilly, "Sure it is Lilly, I mean being with your children is the best feeling in the world and then for your children to hear that you have been with your family all this time" I said looking at her.

She shook her head and looked to Damon and I, "I'm sorry that I have hurt your feeling but I need them" she said to me.

I heard Damon laugh and I turned to him to see that he was leant against the wall, "sure you are, I mean did you know that Annie was crying when you died" Damon said walking forward so he was stood near me.

I smiled at Damon and turned to mother as I needed answers, "I don't want to do the whole family reunion, I just want to know who are these people you call family" I asked.

She smiled at me but to be honest she looked sad, I watched as she got up walking over to the coffins that they all wherein and opened them so we could see the people inside them turning to Damon and I, "I would like to introduce you to my family, their names are Valerie, Oscar, Nora, Mary-Louise, Beau and Malcolm and then this is Julian" she said to us and I noticed that she was looking at him as I would Nik and I couldn't help the snort to come from me.

"You love this man" I said to her.

Lillian nodded and I noticed that Damon looked annoyed, turning to me I watched as he smiled at me, "come on sister I thing that it is time that we leave her to her family. I mean we have our own family's to be getting back to" Damon said to me and walked out of the house with Lilly following.

I followed the both outside the house and leant against the door watching "Please can we talk about this, I want to know all about your lives" she said to me as she finished speaking.

I looked over to Damon and smiled, "why don't you tell our mother what you have been doing Day, I mean I have a husband and son to get back to" I snapped and turned around.

She looked over to us and I noticed that she looked worried when I said husband and I noticed that Damon turned to walk away, before I could say anything she turned to Damon "I am your mother, so please speak to me" she said to him.

I turned around as I appeared next to Damon and I didn't know why I had the urge to protect him but I needed to, so I turned to face her and smiled, "but you're really not are you" I asked.

She looked at me and frowned at us, "no not really I mean you left us to go and have a life with your family. You didn't care that you had a husband at home with children. Children that loved you and would be lost without you" I said to her.

She looked upset and I walked over to her and pinned her to the wall of the house, "believe me when I say that I got over your death a long time ago, I mean I don't even think about you" I said to her.

"Then why did you come here" she asked me.

I looked over to Damon and noticed that he nodded at me, so I turned back to Lillian and smiled, "because I want to know if you know where the ascendant is in this world so we can leave this place" I asked.

She smiled and took out a small box and showed me the ascendant that I knew she would have, "we cannot leave this place because we need the blood of a Bennett witch to be able to get the ascendant to work so we can leave this place" she said to me.

I laughed and crossed my arms, "tell me something that I didn't know, I mean that is old news to me and Damon, I have my husband working on that one. We just needed this" I said as I appeared near her and took the ascendant from her.

She looked at me and frowned, "how can you be so fast in this world, I have been weakened" she said to me.

I couldn't help but laugh when she asked me that and turned to Damon, "because I am stronger that the both of you and don't need to feed yet" I said shrugging my shoulders as I walked over to Damon and smiled as he patted my shoulder, "your husband will be proud of you" Damon said to me.

She looked over to us and turned to me, "your married" she asked me.

I nodded and decided not to tell her it was the man she decided to make me forget, "yep" I said to her.

She smiled, "maybe you can take me with you and Damon, but I don't want to leave my family behind, so I want to take my family with me" she said to me.

I looked at her and couldn't help but laugh, "sorry but I am only taking one person with me and that is my brother Damon" I snapped and sped over to Damon and grabbed his shoulder, "let's go, we have what we came for" I said to him and we sped back to the boarding house.

"Do you know how this is going to work because I don't have any idea on how this shit works" Damon asked me.

I smiled and nodded, "I just need to make sure that Bonnie does the spell at the right time and then this will move and I know that we can leave" I explained to him.

Damon nodded and I watched as he looked down, "Damon, she didn't care" I said as I bent down in front of him.

Damon looked up to me and for the first time I caught a glimpse of the human boy that I once used to know, "Day, I promise that she won't bother us I am not taking her with us. She can rot her for all I care, all we need to do is get back home to our world and then we can go back to trying to kill each other" I said as I pushed him gently.

Damon smiled back and I pulled my brother into my arms, "come on brother, your making yourself look weak being like this" I said to him.

Damon nodded and I looked over to the ascendant and smiled, "just think we're be home soon and then we can go to eating people" I said to him.

Damon laughed and smiled, "sounds like a great brother sister bonding time" he said to me.

I looked to him and nodded, "if you can get over me being married to Nik" I said to him.

Damon looked at me and I noticed that he looked worried, "go on ask" I said to him.

"Why do you love him so much, I mean I understand that he gave you a life after you thought that I was dead, but I cannot understand why you won't back me" Damon said to me.

I looked over to him and smiled, "Damon, from the first time I met Nik, there was something there a burning in my stomach and I found out that this is because we are mates. There is nothing that anyone can do about it because no matter what Damon, Nik and I will always find each other. I love him and he loves me, I just hope that one day you will be able to see that" I said to him.

He nodded and turned to me, "maybe you can be nice to Elena" he asked me.

I looked over to him and smiled, "at the moment Damon that isn't going to happen, she has been too bitchy for my liking as she hurt Matthew" I said.

Damon nodded and turned to me, "maybe I can see him soon" he asked me.

I looked over and smiled, "if he wants to" I said.

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